Epilogue: Confessions

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"Does it hurt Phi?" Rain carefully held P'Phayu's hand with the broken finger. They were alone for now. P'Fah and P'Pai (who was staying in the guest room tonight) had gone out to let the couple get some rest.

"A little."  P'Phayu admitted. "Rain. Do you know what?" Rain shook his head. "When you kicked that guy for me, despite your fear of P'Chai, I thought I have the coolest boyfriend in the world,  you made me fall in love with you all over again."

"Love? You've ever fallen in love with me?" Rain asked his eyes going wide.

Phayu realized he had never said it out loud, he had only ever said like when the two had started dating. Despite this he can't resist a small tease. "I have already confessed."

"When?" Rain asks with confusion.

"When I sung to you." P'Phayu says and kisses Rain on the forehead.

"P'Phayu is cheating, you never said it." Rain says.

"Neither have you," P'Phayu counters. "Rain, I love you."

Momentarily forgetting the senior's injuries Rain throws himself into P'Phayu's arms and presses his head against P'Phayu's chest. "Me, too." He says happily.

"What me too? Rain is cheating." P'Phayu strokes Rain's hair.

"Rain loves P'Phayu." Rain kisses P'Phayu thinking that despite everything something good came out of today. They love each other and all is perfect in the world.

Outside thunder clashes and rain starts pelting the window. Rain watches the rainfall for a minute and then says, "P'Phayu, I dreamed about you."

Phayu, catches his breath and waits for Rain to continue.

"For as long as I can remember I have had a dream of a person, a man. I never could see what he looked like in the dreams but I knew this was the person I would love from the time I was old enough to understand. Whenever I tried to remember what he looked like it was always images of a thunderstorm that came to mind. I finally understand now because I fell in love with the storm."

"Rain I dreamed of you as well." Rain looked at him shocked. "Almost my entire life I dreamed of my Rain. I knew you from my dreams the night I changed your tire. At that moment I had already fallen in love with the rain. I followed you home that night." P'Phayu confesses.

Rain thought he couldn't be more surprised but he was. "Stalker," he teased with a smile.

P'Phayu laughs, "I guess I was at that but I had searched for you my entire life. I couldn't let you go again. I wasn't sure how I would approach you without scaring you.  When the seniors sent your picture in group chat and I found out you were not only my junior but my code line junior."

"There was no mentorship program was there?" Rain realizes suddenly.

"Well there was after I went to the Dean of the faculty and suggested it." P'Phayu grins.

"How did I fall in love with someone so devious." Rain says but softens his words by laying his head back on P'Phayu's shoulder. P'Phayu resumes stroking his hair with his uninjured hand.

"So you won't love me now that you know the truth?" P'Phayu teases.

"I already love you what can I do." Rain sigh. "I will  love you for the rest of my life."

P'Phayu laughs and gently kisses the top of Rain's head, "I will love you for the rest of my life as well, and into the next life, and the one after that."



Well it's come to an end. Thank you to all who read this story, I hope you enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it.

I have been working on a new idea that I have for our favorite couple for the past week. Although still following the LITA story it will have a lot more original content as well. I think it's a fun idea.

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