Falling for you, again

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"Oh you're P'Phayu's boy." The man said when Rain introduced himself. "I am Saifah, P'Phayu's twin."

"P'Phayu is my senior, he's mentoring me." Rain protested.

"Phayu told me all about you." He said as if Rain hadn't spoken, "Nui will show you where you can set up."

Rain was shown into the inner office of the garage where he was to study, work on assignments and wait for P'Phayu to get off work to help him. There was a table set up for him to work on, plus a drawing easel and plenty of stationery supplies. The room even had a small refrigerator full of drinks and snacks.

P'Nui, the receptionist for the garage, told him to help himself to whatever he wanted they had all been left there for him by P'Phayu. It was an architectural student's dream set up. Rain thought it seemed like a lot for a mentorship, but obviously P'Phayu was trying his best to be a good senior. Right?

Rain was just wrapping up his assignments when P'Phayu came in. P'Phayu looked over what Rain had done, "You're quite skilled and creative."

Rain beamed. "I'm not very good at lecture classes though. I have ADHD and my mind races sometimes and I have a hard time focusing and taking notes. Also sometimes I get bored studying." For some reason P'Phayu smiled at this last part.

"These are the things I am here to help you with. I admit I don't know a lot about ADHD so can you give me a couple days to do some research on it. As far as studying, someone I used to know enjoyed making a game out of it so I might have a few tricks there."

Rain was surprised. He was used to everyone from teachers to his parents telling him that he just had to try harder. That if his classmates could do it so could he. Sky was the only one who ever went out of his way to help Rain with his schoolwork. Maybe having a mentor like P'Phayu would be just what he really needed.

"If you are finished with your assignments, let's go get something to eat and you can tell me more about school." P'Phayu said.

Rain readily agreed, he was slightly surprised when P'Phayu took his hand as they were walking out. It felt natural though as if their hands belonged linked together. Again Rain felt that strange sense of familiarity.

Over dinner P'Phayu asked about his school work, his family, his friends, and his extracurricular activities. He said it was all important for helping with Rain's assignments.

"I'd like to meet your parents as well." P'Phayu said.


"You may need to stay over at my house to work on assignments. I want them to think that I am a trustworthy senior." P 'Phayu said with a wink that made Rain blush and his heart skip a beat.

Rain's parents almost immediately adored P'Phayu. They were very happy for Rain to have help with his schoolwork but it went beyond that. By the end of the night they insisted that P'Phayu call them Ma and Pa. Rain's mother even gave P'Phayu her number to call if Rain needed to stay out overnight.

Rain was an only child but now he knew what it must feel like to be the lesser favored sibling, it seemed to him like parents had a new favorite child. By the end of the night, Rain was feeling a little sullen.

"What's wrong?" P'Phayu asked as Rain walked him out.

"How did you do it? My parents agreed with everything you said, did you put a spell on them?" P'Phayu laughed and pinched his cheeks but didn't answer:

After that Rain seemed to spend more time with P'Phayu than he did at home. P'Phayu was always quick to give both praise and point out what Rain could do better. True to his word he had come up with a study plan specifically designed for someone like Rain.

It wasn't all work though. P'Phayu said he needed work/life balance. They often went for a ride on P'Phayu's motorcycle, went to the movies, to dinner, or sometimes just talked. P'Phayu always seemed interested and attentive to everything Rain had to say.

Over the next few weeks Rain realized two things, he wanted to make P'Phayu proud of him and he was falling hard for the handsome senior.

Now there was only a month left before the end of his freshman year, Rain wondered if he would be able to make P'Phayu fall for him in such a short time. Rain had no clue how you made someone fall, he had never flirted in his life. He was determined to try though.

That's why he started the journal. P'Phayu had told him to write down any task he really wanted or needed to accomplish in a journal then keep up with all the ideas and emotions that occurred to him. That way they could examine them together. Of course this particular journal Rain planned to keep to himself. But Rain, being well Rain, things seldom went as he planned.

Rain was searching frantically through his bag, where was it?!? He remembered having his P'Phayu journal at the garage last night but he couldn't find it this morning. Instead he found his "tasks to accomplish" journal that he should have left for P'Phayu to go through and add his thoughts.

NO surely he hadn't mixed the two up! He wasn't that stupid right?!? Why are you like this Rain? He asked himself for the 1000th time.

Since Rain never seemed to have luck unless it was bad luck, this was the day he had to stay over to work with his classmates on a group project so that P'Phayu was already at the garage. In his hands was the P'Phayu journal.

"What's this, silly boy?" P'Phayu said.

"You didn't read that did you?" Rain asked desperately. P'Phayu laughed. "Of course you did." Rain answered his own question with a sigh.

"So you are going to make me fall for you?" Rain wishes he didn't look so amused about it. "Are you sure you can?"

"You'll see," Rain said, taking up the challenge, "You'll fall for me before the end of the month!" As always his mouth seemed to speak without asking his brain if it was a good idea.

P'Phayu pulled Rain to him and whispered in his ear, "You better do what you say then. I will be waiting."

Phayu chuckled as he left the room. So Rain was going to make him fall in love. A different lifetime but his Rain was the same, never backing down when challenged.

He had another of the good dreams that night.

Phayu had been right about Rain being a merchant's son. In fact, by some twist of fate, Rain's father owned a printing and book shop that Phayu had been at frequently. It was a shame he had never crossed paths with Rain before now.

Today he went to the shop on the sole purpose of talking to Rain's father. He wanted Rain to study with Phayu's own scholars, and it would be a great opportunity for the boy. At least that's what he told Rain's father, but in reality it was just an excuse to get to know the cute boy better.

Rain's father readily agreed to the idea. Education was very important to him after all. Rain's father had grown up poor, but had been taught to read and write by a kind lady who taught the children of the woman his mother worked for.

Rain was coming in as Phayu left the shop. Phayu couldn't resist smiling and winking at the boy on the way out, causing Rain to blush and stare after him.

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