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Rain recovered quickly from his illness, in plenty of time to sit for the final exam of the school year. He had studied the last two days while P'Phayu worked  on client sketches and plans. Luckily P'Phayu didn't have any appointments with clients before next week so he was able to work from home and take care of Rain.

Rain knew he was more than prepared for this exam, but he decided to be a little bratty. When P'Phayu told him to get good good grades and he would reward him, Rain couldn't resist returning with "what if I get bad grades?" P'Phayu's immediate answer was "Then be prepared to be punished." Rain grinned at this.

That weekend after the exam P'Phayu was taking Rain to a movie he'd wanted to see. He picked Rain up from his house on a big bike, the blue one he'd been riding the night he helped change Rain's tire. It was Rain's first time on such a large bike, but wasn't really nervous. He was sure P'Phayu could do anything.

P'Phayu was a good movie companion. He let Rain choose their popcorn, drinks and even seats. He also listened to Rain's eager chatter about the plot as they left the theater. "Did you enjoy it?" He asked and Rain nodded. "What do you want to eat?"

"Why are you indulging me today," Rain asked eyeing him suspiciously.

"I want to, I want my boyfriend to be happy."

"I'll become spoiled." Rain shot back

"Then I will be the one to straighten you out." Rain pouted. "Don't look like that, I am not teasing you, so what do you want to eat?"

"Korean food." Rain said eagerly, it was his favorite. He pulled P'Phayu to the restaurant he wanted to eat at and stopped short. Sky was standing in front of the restaurant as if deciding if he wanted to eat there. He raised his eyebrows when he saw Rain and P'Phayu holding hands.

Rain sat nervously rubbing his hands on his pants legs as if to dry them while Sky sat at the table across from Rain and P'Phayu staring from Rain to the senior, waiting for an explanation. Rain hadn't even mentioned P'Phayu since the day he overheard the group of jealous girls gossiping, and now here they were on what to Sky looked suspiciously like a date.

"Do you have something to tell me Rain?" Sky said giving his friend a look that said, confess!

"I......I'm dating P'Phayu," Rain rushed out before he could lose his nerve.

Sky laughed, "I had figured that out for myself funnily enough. If you're worried I would be upset that you are dating a man don't be, I am not your mom, I just want you to be happy."

"Sky, I love you." Rain said grabbing his hand.

Sky jerked his hand back, "Before you say you love me, look to the man who is sitting beside you."

"I don't get jealous without reason, I know that Sky is Rain's best friend." P'Phayu said with a smile.

After Sky left P'Phayu told Rain how happy it made him that he had told his friend about him.

Rain told him that he had made both choices and that he worked so hard to win P'Phayu he would be stupid to let him go. Besides if Sky hadn't understood he would just pester Sky unto he gave in.

P'Phayu's heart swelled with joy at the words and the determination look in Rain's eyes. He fell even harder to the cute boy's charms every day. He called Rain's mom to tell her Rain would be staying at his house then sweet talked Rain into coming home with him, where he dragged him into the bedroom.

The next day it was almost noon when Rain woke up and stretched lazily. He slipped from bed and walked down to where P'Phayu was preparing lunch for them in the kitchen. Rain was delighted to hear P'Phayu humming. He had never heard him sing before, but now he realized that P'Phayu had a gorgeous voice he could listen to all day.

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