Chapter 10

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A woman met them as they walked out of the portal.

"Blackwater, Miller wants you to come over immediately." She said, grabbing Miles by the arm. He looked over at Hawthorne. "Not you though. He said this was private."

"What?" Hawthorne frowned, and the woman shook her head.

"I'm just the messenger. You can ask Blackwater why later." She said, and the gunslinger yanked his arm back.

"Alright. I'll walk there when I can." He said, then passed the sniper and the Hound to Hawthorne. "Mind if you put these away?"

"Sure," The magician said, and Miles nodded.

"Thank you. I'll be back later." He said, then began to walk toward the elevator, muttering to himself as he went . "What could Miller want with me to have a private conversation?"

He didn't find much answers as he went to the elevator, and he soon found himself rubbing his eyes as he stepped in. He hadn't had much rest from the harbor incident, and going up against the Saint of Killers did not help. All he wanted right now was his bed, but not everyone could have what they want.

Miles sighed as he walked through the hall, opening the door as he reached Miller's office. "So, what is it this time, Miller?"

"Blackwater." The former cop said, looking up from his documents. "Sit down."

"Is this about the reward?" The gunslinger grunted, and Miller shook his head.

"That will come later," He said grimly. "We have an emergency."

"What is it this time?"

"The crusaders sent a spec ops group to the SCP verse."

"What for?"

"We don't know." Miller sighed. "But one of the top Satanists is there and has infiltrated the Foundation. You know the rest."

"Lucky me that I have a new pair of revolvers then." Miles grunted, "You want me to join and fix the mess after I'm done?"

"No," Miller replied sharply. "For all we know, this conflict may be too big to fix. Take a passive role, and join only as a last resort."

"Alright." Miles said. "Do you want me to go now?"

"No, but soon." Miller said. "I just want to clarify on those revolvers. Are you going to convert them to your main weapons?"

The other Witness thought on it for a moment before shaking his head. "No. Something like these are far too powerful to use frequently."

"Good, but I suspect you will need to use them for what's next." Miller said grimly. "Now then, on your reward."

"Let me guess, I've been promoted?" Miles replied drolly, and Miller frowned.

"...Yes, and you got some other perks with it." He said. "How did you know?"

"The magician guessed." Miles replied. "Even though he knew how long I've been at this."

Miller grunted. "Well, good on him. How much have you told him?"

"Got up to my arrest." The gunslinger said, then rose to his feet. "Figured he might as well know who the man teaching him is. Not like he can use it, anyway."

"Fair." Miller replied. "Well, congrats on the promotion."

"Its about time," Miles grunted, before turning to the door. "I should go."

"Don't bother heading down." Miller said, before tossing him something that the gunslinger caught. It was a remote. "You can portal where you like now."

The gunslinger considered it before grinning. "Heh. Thanks."

"Just one of the perks with the job." The other Witness replied. "Although I do think we should talk later. I get the feeling some things are weighing on your mind, even if you're not showing it."

Miles was silent before he replied. "You're right, but enough. I have to leave."

"Correct." Miller said, and with that, the gunslinger left, the muffled sound of a portal opening and closing being heard soon after.

The cop was silent for a long moment before he finally sighed. "Good luck, Miles."

"You're gonna fucking need it."


"Well, here I am." Miles said before the portal instantly closed behind him. "Great. Here we go."

The facility seemed largely untouched but it was not being patrolled. That...wasn't supposed to happen.

He rested a hand on his guns as he heard a commotion in the distance. He wasn't supposed to do anything, but...something about this was wrong. Very wrong.

He walked across the hallway for a moment before passing by a man who was running someplace, then grabbed him by the shoulder. "Hey, what's going on?"

"Oh great, another intruder," The man said as he turned toward the Witness, before aiming his submachine gun at him. "Are you trying to copy Clef's fashion sense?"

"Who the fuck is Clef?" Miles grunted. "Now then, I can make this easy, or hard for you. Choose one."

The man only leveled his gun at the gunslinger, but Miles was faster, ducking under the burst and slamming an elbow into the man's gut. He stumbled, and Miles capitalized, yanking the gun out of his hand and dismantling it.

The man drew a knife, then lunged forward, Miles sidestepping before grabbing the arm and dislocating it. The man screamed in pain, and the Witness forced him to the ground.

"Where is the surveillance room?" He hissed. "And what part of the Foundation am I in?"

"Site 19." The man whimpered. "The room is down the hall to the right."

"Thank you," The gunslinger said before knocking him out cold.

A short while later, he found himself standing in front of the door, a quick rest of his hand aging it to dust as he walked in. The two men at the computers turned as light entered the room, but were soon knocked out, leaving him to look at the computers.

"Now then, time to see what the fuck is going on." Miles muttered as he took his spot, only for his eyes to widen as he beheld the destruction that had been wrought across the Site. Gutted bodies, incinerated hallways, looted cells, and viscera decorated walls didn't even cover what he saw.

Whatever crusaders got sent here were good. Real good.

"Well, fuck me." He muttered as he turned back to the door. "I have a lot of work to do, and possibly people to confront. Time to go."

And on that happy note, he ran off.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 01, 2023 ⏰

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