Chapter 4

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  "Welcome to the MCU," Miles said as they set foot into the universe.

"Where are we?" Hawthorne coughed. It was clear that he still wasn't quite used to this.

"By the looks of things?" Miles frowned, looking around. It was midday, and they were on a street. A large mansion was nearby, filled with armed guards patrolling. "I'd guess maybe Florida?"

"Great." Hawthorne groaned, then sat down on the curb. "Give me a breather."

"Fine," Miles sighed, then began to fiddle with the Hound as he looked up. A man was "You'll need it anyway."

"Why?" Hawthorne grunted as they heard the sound. "You can't mean we're about to fight already?"

"No," Miles deadpanned. "In fact, I doubt we'll see much action for a while, but when it does happen, you'll need it."

"What do you mean?" Hawthorne frowned, but out of the corner of his eye, he could see someone suspicious loitering around a street corner near the mansion.

"You saw that too, didn't you?" Miles said, then cocked his head. "Don't look now, but there's another on the premises."

"How do you even—" Sam started, then sighed. "Never mind. What is that thing anyway?"

"I thought I already told you," The gunslinger replied as he loaded the gun. "My shotgun."

"No, I mean, what the fuck does it even do?" Hawthorne snapped, and Miles shot him a look.

"Cool it." He growled. "Both of them are too busy keeping an eye on each other, and I'd like to keep it that way."

"Fine," Hawthorne said, lowering his voice. "But seriously, what does it do?"

"Its simple," Miles replied as he secured it onto his back again. "I point and shoot it, things go boom. Done."

"That's not really all, isn't it?" Hawthorne replied, and Blackwater grinned as he shook his head.

"I'm leaving this as a surprise." He chuckled. "Oh, here he comes now!"

To the side, they could see a man in a hoodie approaching the guards. He was carrying something, and the two Witnesses stared as he began to use an assortment of tools to dispatch the guards.

"Who's he?" Hawthorne said, and Miles raised an eyebrow.

"You're telling me you never heard of Tony Stark?" He asked, and the magician shook his head. "What were you doing in your past life?"

"Trying to make a living." Hawthorne replied. "Being a magician doesn't pay well, you know."

"Well, it doesn't matter." Miles said, then unholstered his revolvers. "We're not the only ones who noticed."

Sure enough, the loiterer on the outside was now making a move to hop the fence as the other figure began to move towards the man, hands brimming with black fire.

"Well, no time to waste now." Miles said as he yanked Hawthorne to his feet. "Let's go."

"Wait, what's the—" The magician asked, but was cut off as the gunslinger dashed down to the mansion's gate. "plan. Goddamn it."

He continued to curse the gunslinger as he followed after him, unclipping his cards from his belt. This hadn't been his first fight, but still, the fact that the annoying bastard refused to give instructions grinded his gears.

As he leaped over the fence, he was greeted by the sight of the man in the hoodie running into the mansion, as Miles and the other two were engaged in a three-way battle. One of the fighters, a man in a white coat, was using a red katana, crackling with electricity as he blocked each attack headed his way, while the other, a woman wearing casual clothing, was using black fire to hold the two men at bay. For his part, Miles was reversing every attack that came his way, waiting for the moment to strike.

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