Thomas felt fear for a moment, before quickly looking around, and seeing a wolf far off in the distance.

However, this was no ordinary wolf.

It stood on its hind legs, wielding a sword.

It wore a black cloak, covering its head, while it wore a demonic smile.

"Ooh, how I love the smell of sin. Royal magic, judgment."

Through the carriage, lightning struck Thomas.

Thomas cried out, and immediately checked to make sure David was okay.

Seeing his younger brother safe and sound, Thomas smiled, and teared up a bit.

"Oh, oh, oh! My, how magnificent! I'll spare your lives today, but you will not be so lucky later."

The wolf ran off into the woods, and another wolf chased after the carriage yet again.

"Oi, Thomas, break the floorboards right underneath you!"

Thomas did as instructed, and tore apart the floorboards, finding a dark ball.

"Throw it at the wolf, now!"

Thomas did as instructed, and threw the black ball at it.

The force of hitting the wolf broke the outer shell, revealing a ball of fire which had laid dormant for quite some time.

The ball of fire erupted once it came into contact with the wolf's head, blowing it apart.

The force was so powerful it sent blood flying onto both of the brothers.

Thomas looked back at his brother, and ran over to him, using the cloth he wore to wipe the blood off of his face.

"Hey, you alright?"


Thomas breathed a sigh of relief, and yet another wolf hopped into the carriage using the hole made by the lightning strike at the side of the carriage.

Eda shrieked for a second, as the wolf ran over to bite David.

Thomas got in the way, however, having the wolf bite directly into his arm, piercing through the flesh and bone, but keeping it attached.

David panicked for a bit, and looked to see Thomas' face.

It was a face that he had never seen Thomas make before.

Raw, indescribable hatred for the wolf.

Thomas grabbed Al's sword, and stabbed the wolf in the stomach, lifting it into the air, and running with it.

David sat up, and watched as Thomas hopped out of the carriage with the wolf, landing onto the snowy ground below.

"My brother... you fucking stupid bitch! I'll kill you, I'll kill you dead! I'll fucking kill you, just die, die, die like the fucking bastard you are!"

Thomas roared as he took the blade out of the wolf's stomach, and began to stab it repeatedly.

The wolf responded by biting even harder onto Thomas' arm, but Thomas stabbed through his own arm just to stab even further into the wolf.

After several more stabs, the wolf's grip loosened, and Thomas impaled the wolf through its throat.

Growling, he ripped his arm from the wolf's mouth, and looked at his injuries.

The wolf had scratched his torso a lot, as well as obviously biting his arm.

His arm had several bite marks, as well as sword stabs through his wrist.

History's Greatest Brothers: Thomas and Davidजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें