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Dark souls how helpless are you!
Dark moment silent mood!
Ever thick Never shinning!
Never burning ever Dull!

A World wrapped in Secret!
A Moment of Deceits!

Stagnant and not changing!
Voids of Vision ever hidden!
Boring and Borrowed!
Conformed in assumptions and Lies!

Heavy and empty!

Backward ever and Forward never!
Ever harmful and ever destroying!

A shadow full life!
A dusty world!
A deserted valley!
A fading walls!
A kingdom laid on fear!

All are in dark state!
Future in dark!
Present in dark!
Past in dark!

No vivid Picture!
Your very being is hidden!
Embodiment of Darkness!
Ever sinful and ever senseless!
A mourning mood ever!

Totally blindfolded!
Made up in airs!
A creepled man!
Never growing never moving!
A lifeless Nature!

Ever stumbling and never climbing!
A man with differs thought!
Ever filthy and never fitting!
Darkness whom sin grows in it own womb!
Mr darkness, a wise foolish being!

The game of chance is it lovely game!
Ever lowest and ever dimmest!
A thin line to being prodigal!
Mr dark doesn't ACT!
No zeal for ACTION!

Zealous in slumbering!

Watch this:

When you slumber in darkness , it is a very deepest pit ever!
It is very certain that you are at the end of your life!
  Because, It will grip your being into the deepest pit in the dark kingdom!
I think you got that!

Darkness makes you an internal being!
Darkness seems to be secure but it is Sinful.
Security in the darkness is calamity!
Nobody is watching over anybody!

You have no inheritance in the
How nothing less you 've been !
It is totally zero!

Called Out;

Have you heard of a florescent light?


You have nothing in common!


It is written  that.......

"Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness?  and what communion hath light with the darkness?  

This is the great question that is been pasted to you!
This an offer for you to come to light!
Step out boldly and come!

Stay out of your dwellings and be

              @royaldiadems pad.


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 09, 2023 ⏰

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