𝒊𝒗. enemy

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Sith initially looked at her with superiority, walked a few steps, then approached her and placed his hands on the woman's shoulders. Sullivan just stares in disgust, then, turning her irises towards the lava, she sighed. "Because only the broken can be helped, this new power, new force. All this will help you save your beloved."

"Save from what, from me?" she asked reproachfully, slapping his hands off her.

"Save from death." Palpatine gritted out as he saw the guilt she felt beginning to flood the young woman through the dead bodies she had taken away from life. "What have I become?" heard a sob, Ophelia took a few heavy steps, only to fall to her knees, sobbing, supporting herself on the ground.

Naveen was losing his mind as nearby planets appeared on the transceiver and the lights indicated a lack of fuel. Not now, he thought as he hit the board on the controller.

The emotions that circulated in him did not indicate anything good. Fear of evil took over his thoughts, turning into anger, and then into sadness. The man couldn't count how many negative thoughts flew through his mind, causing the accumulated liquid in the corners of his eyes to flow out, leaving wet streaks behind. Naveen hated the moment he lost any control over his emotions, however, when his family's safety was at stake, he couldn't help but have an emotional breakdown.

"All I want is the safety of my children." He spoke out loud, reassuring himself. His voice was shaking, as were his hands. Clamping them on the controller, he used his last power up to blast through the galactic skies using FTL speed.

꒰ 🪐 ꒱

As soon as the ship landed, Naveen sprang up from his seat, forgetting all the words he wanted to say to his beloved wife to take her back to the safety of their palace in Alderaan.

As he ran down the ramp, he thought of one place where he might find Ophelia. Instead of his beloved, he saw a path of dead bodies leading to the center. Heading down the lane, he silently pleaded that the possessor of the light brown eyes was not the culprit behind all this masquerade.

He deceived himself in vain.

Standing at the very door, sticking out a trembling hand, another thought filled his head. What if it can't be recovered anymore? Shaking his head, he dismissed the thought, and at the hoarse voice, he turned around suddenly.

"Naveen Sullivan, Jedi Knight." The hooded figure spoke the man's name with revulsion in his voice. "It's an honor to finally meet you. I've heard a lot of interesting things about you."

At the Emperor's voice, Naveen tensed his muscles. He turned slowly, making sure he was a safe enough distance from the Sith Lord Palpatine himself.

He had long distrusted Palpatine's political agenda. Not only that, but he sensed that there was a second bottom to all this, because there always was. Some felt that Naveen distrusted him because of the experience he exposed himself every day, or for many other reasons.

But the truth was, Naveen had never trusted the Sith. And he had had such suspicions about Palpatine for a long time, when one of the scholars changed sides in front of him, in favor of the greater good.

"Palpatine." He hissed in response, never taking his suspicious look from the older man. "I didn't come here to exchange acquired information."

The Emperor only responds with a short, forced laugh, which Naveen frowns at. The croaky laugh leaves taint in the air, causing the young Jedi Knight's body to respond negatively to it.

"I suppose I know what you came here for. That's why I'm telling you that you're wasting your precious time." They both watch each other's movements, Naveen's fingertips feeling the cold hilt of his lightsaber. Palpatine, on the other hand, stands still, his hood pulled over his head, watching every slightest movement of the Emperor. "You won't find her here."

"So you know who I'm here for, interesting." He noticed, stubbornly measuring him with a glance. His fingers closed spontaneously on the lightsaber's hilt, but he didn't attack, didn't start a fight. He was just waiting for the right moment to strike back. "I will find, I even know where to start looking."

The Emperor's patience had reached its zenith. As his fingers tightened around the hilt of his lightsaber and a trickle of red gushed out moments after his horribly croaky laugh, Naveen savored the moment he had the emotional upper hand.

Loud footsteps echoed stubbornly to Naveen's ears. The man didn't have to hide the disgust he felt. He clenched his fists as he drew his lightsaber out of hiding. He lit it, revealing a blue color that emanated strangely with warmth.

"Quit Naveen's antics. You can't beat me," he hesitated, which, unfortunately for Polity, gave Sullivan an extra advantage.

"And that should be my concern? Palpatine, you're not the first, nor will you be the last. If you die, you're doing the entire galaxy a favor, including the Republic." Naveen's voice was bold. The man lifts his chin proudly, staring in authority at his enemy.

Taking more steps, Naveen approached the Emperor and attacked first. Swung in the opposite direction, his lightsaber collided with the Sith Lord's. They both attacked, causing the opponent to do nothing but deflect the attack, which only weakened them both.

But in all of this, Palpatine had the upper hand. Performing a reflection of Naveen's attack, he took advantage of Naveen's moment of anger, only to drive his lightsaber into Naveen's chest. Into the very heart. Naveen's eyes widened, his breath caught as soon as he felt his knees bend under the weight of his own body.

He fell to the ground, hitting his head on the hard floor. "You wouldn't have saved her. Ophelia was consumed by the dark side of the force, no one would change that. Especially not your vain attempts. You were a good kid, Naveen. But a terrible Jedi." Palpatine drawled, watching the Jedi, who was fighting with himself not to close his eyes. "Your children, like you, will die in agony. It's inevitable."

Naveen's eyelids drooped heavily, letting out a few salty tears that ran down his cheek. He had failed not only himself, but his beloved wife, and most of all, he had failed Mae. A little girl appeared before his eyes when the soul left the body.

Naveen Sullivan, was killed by the Sith Lord.

Palpatine disappeared, and in his place Ophelia appeared in the distance, who, looking at the place of the lying body, whispered a fear-filled "No."

She started running as fast as she could to see her beloved husband lying on the ground, deprived of human warmth. Tears began to gather in her eyes.

"Naveen, please wake up," she sobbed softly, falling to her knees. She cupped the face of the man she knew so well in her hands. She watched her face lose color in her eyes. "Naveen, please open your eyes."

Despite her pleas, he did not comply with her request. For the first time, the planet Mustafar heard a heartbreaking cry begging for the return of its beloved. "Please...we'll go home, everything will be as before, just please wake up..."

It was that moment when Naveen Sullivan took his last breath, Melpomene was born of revenge and pain.

From now on, Mae, Asher, and Andrea were left to the mercy of a cruel fate.

𝐒𝐊𝐘𝐅𝐀𝐋𝐋.  anakin skywalker !!Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon