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(Age updates: Emma and Edmund are 20, Alex and Susan are 22, Peter is 23, Lucy is 17, William is 16, Michael is 15)

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(Age updates: Emma and Edmund are 20, Alex and Susan are 22, Peter is 23, Lucy is 17, William is 16, Michael is 15)


"No no, don't stir it so roughly. The goal here is to gently whisk it. If you stir it too much, the cream will end up turning into butter instead of whipped cream."

I nodded as Polly assisted my hand into a gentle whisk. We were having Ice Cream Sundae Night, and she just insisted that we needed to make our own whipped cream instead of "that canned bullshit full of who knows what."

Not going to lie, we were all pretty surprised to hear such language come from Polly Plummer's mouth, of all people. It wasn't often it would slip out, but when it did, we knew better than to protest. Besides, making it ourselves was much more fun.

"Like this?"

Polly went over to Lucy and peered into her bowl and nodded in approval.

"Yes, just like that. See, Emma, come look at Lucy's."

I came over with my bowl and looked over at her's, seeing the soft peaks she made with the cream.

"Yeah, I don't think I'm cut out for this."

"Nonsense. You and Edmund bought a house, you've fought in wars, given birth without any modern medicine, and made it through uni. You can make basic whipped cream."

"Hey, why aren't the men helping? I thought you were a feminist?"

Susan chuckled at my comment as Polly waved me off. "Like I'd trust those boys to even hold a spoon without burning the house down. They would find a way."

"You know, we can hear you!" William barged into the kitchen and crossed his arms. "I happen to be a very good-"

"No you're not." We all interuppted him in unison. I pointed my whisk at him. "Get back to unpacking, or no ice cream sundae for any of you!"

He held his hands up in defense and back out. "Guys, they said if we don't unpack we can't have ice cream!"

We laughed at the series of groans that came from the living room as we heard footsteps making their way upstairs.

"They act like this house is so huge. It's a two bedroom, one bathroom. We don't even have an actual dining room, and we," Susan emphasized to us, "did the whole kitchen as they did the living room. There are literally three rooms left."

"Tell me about it. Susan, I now understand why you got frustrated with our lack of understanding of basic decorations. Going over color schemes with Edmund is a nightmare."

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐂𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐥𝐞𝐭𝐞 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐉𝐮𝐬𝐭Where stories live. Discover now