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6 Months Later

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6 Months Later

"These uniforms are so uncomfortable," Michael was fidgeting as Edmund and I walked him through the train station, both of us sighing.

"I know, Mikey. I hate them too, but unfortunately it's what we have to wear."

He groaned and started shuffling his feet. "Where are unc- uh, Peter and Alex?"

Before I could answer, we could hear a crowd cheering on a fight. Edmund and I looked at each other and ran over with Michael, revealing our older brothers to be apart of it. One of the boys had Peter's face over the platform, making Edmund jump on one of the bullies and join in.

"Here we go," I rolled my eyes and blocked Michael from seeing what was going on, as Lucy shouted for them. Fortunately, soldiers came and broke it up.

"Act your age!"

We gathered up our luggage and made it over to a bench, allowing Lucy, William and Michael to sit as the rest of us stood.

"You're welcome."

Peter brushed Edmund off. "We had it sorted."

Susan gave Peter and Alex a displeased look and crossed her arms. "What was it this time?"

Alex shrugged. "He bumped me."

I looked at him with a raised brow. "So you hit him?"

Peter turned to me with an annoyed look. "No. After he bumped him, he tried to get Alex to apologize. That's when he hit him. Then of course, they brought in their friends, so I joined in."

Lucy and I exchanged annoyed looks and sighed. This has been a frequent behavior for our older brothers. One of them would get into a fight, and the other would join in. Then Edmund would attempt to break it up, only to annoy them afterwards as we all lectured them.

"Why can't you just walk away?" Susan shook her head and sat beside Michael, who was calmly reading a book.

"We shouldn't have to! Don't you ever get tired of being treated like a kid?"

William looked at Alex in confusion. "We are kids."

"Well we weren't always," Peter trailed off as Alex spoke up.

"It has been a year. How long does he expect us to wait?"

Susan shrugged. "I think it's time to accept the fact that we live here. It's no use pretending any different," she then looked up, and quickly hid her face. "Oh no. Pretend like you're talking to me."

Michael looked over at his aunt in confusion. "We are talking to you?"

Lucy jumped up and grabbed her arm, shouting out.

"Be quiet, Lucy."

Lucy looked over at Susan with wide eyes. "Something pinched me!"

Just then, William and Michael shot up as well and looked at each other. "What was that for?"

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐂𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐥𝐞𝐭𝐞 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐉𝐮𝐬𝐭Where stories live. Discover now