Chapter 3 (Edited)

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Ciao-su! my little wolf cubs! As you know this is chapter 3 of ice girl and I hope you liked it so far! Well in the pic is Jake frost but I couldnt find a girl one so image jake as a girl but it's Kiyo. So that is all for today so ciao! Oh as you know Jake frost go's through this town or bar but doesn't get noticed so yeas that happen to Kiyo but I didn't feel like going through that so sorry!

At a neighborhood (it's winter! (›'ω'‹ )

Kiyo's POV

This really sucks that I'm not noticed by any one...' I thought sadly as I watch some kids have a snow ball fight. "Maybe if I..." I said as I saw the kids talk about this mean titillating she's scary.

Kids Pov (I don't know the kids name so I'm going to come up names for them. K? K)

"C'mon Kida! You can do better!" A black kid named Chris said to Kida. "Okay here I come, take this Zack!" Kida threw a medium-sized snow ball at a white kid name Zack. Zack tried to dodge it but it hit his face before he could. "Hahaha! Zack got it! Kida heads up!" Before Kida could respond Chris threw a snow ball at Kida's face making him tumble over in the snow. Kida got up and wiped of the snow on his face with his blue gloved hands. "Hey let throw one at Princess!" Chris suggested. Kida looked at Chris like he had two heads. "Are you crazy Chris! If we did that we would would die in snow!" Kida yelled at Chris. "Yeah Kida is right Chris! Princess is big and scary!" Zack told agreed after he got up off the snow. After he said that a girl with a Cat shirt and blue pants with a fur coat on came out and threw a snow ball at Chris. "What are you three talking about?" She ask as she made her way to them. "Nothing!" They said in a union.

Kiyo's Pov

'Lets make this more interesting...hehe.' I thought as I saw the brown haired (Kida) make his way to a couch. "Hey look at this!" Kida said as he sat down. When I saw this I pointed my frozen staff at the couch. When I did that I started making waves of snow behind the couch. I followed him as he tries to hold on. "Kida!" Chris with the black hair shouted as Kida rides away on snow. "Ahhh!" Kida screams as he passes houses and car at a fast rate. "This is fun!" He screams out as I make the couch go higher into the air and make him go over a statue. "WHOOHOO!" He yells with glee as I lower him down. "Kida are you okay?!" His friends ask as they run over to him. "That was fun! I wonder how that happen?" He says. Before his friends can answer his mother called for him for dinner. "Kida dinner is ready!" His mother shouted for him. He got up and said goodbye to Chris and Zack.

At Santa's house in the North Pole (Oh umm Santa is going to be Master Makarov and Lucy the tooth fairy and Gray the rabbit or bunny. And Natsu Sandy so I hope you don't mind! And as you know Kiyo Jake Frost.)

"So your telling me that the moon found a another Guardian?!" Makarov yelled out at his red cloth elves. The red cloth elf with a bell on top of his red hat nodded before stumbling into another elf. Natsu was floating and creating dragons. "Natsu! Stop being an idiot and let's go find the snow guardian!"

So 4 Guardians went looking for the Guardian of Fun and Snow!

How did you like chapter 3!? Well I hope you liked and and I. sorry for Grammer and Mistakes. and I hope you have an awesome 3-day weekend! Well ciao!

NiyomiWolf is logging off!

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