Chapter 1

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Ciao-su! My little wolf cubs! This is my fifth story on watt pad! I hope you like this one! Thus story is based on Rise Of The Guardians. I forgot who made the movie but yeah so I'm going to make another account so you guys can join the Wolves Eclipse. So tell me what kind of wolf you are or if you have a fan fiction account I will make a form so you can join. My name is NiyomiWolfSlayer. So I hope you like this story! Ciao!

Mystery Pov

"Come on! You promise we will play together!" My sister complained. I smile as I grabbed a juice box. "We will, after we eat breakfast. Okay?" I told her as I sat down at the table. "Yay! Then let's hurry up and eat!" She said with excitement. After we were done eating our breakfast we headed out into the snow, my brown long wavey hair blew into the wind making my hair blow over my shoulder. "Hey sis do you see that lake over there? It's frozen so lets skate!" Amya told me as she ran over the lake an started skating on the lake, laughing as she enjoyed herself. "Amya be careful!" I yelled after her. After I caught up to her I started to skate on the frozen lake sometimes slipping on the ice. Me and my sis were having a awesome time. "Sis I think the ice isn't stable let's get off of this." Amya shouted. I looked up and saw that I was far away from her so I turn around to got to the over side but when I turned...
The ice broke underneath me. "Amya!" I shouted for her as my body plugged into the water my whole body nerves freezing up. I couldn't swim back up I was so cold. I looked up seeing my sister's blurry image on top of the water. "Kiyo!" I heard my sister shout. I couldn't stay conscious for long. My eyes started closing I felt so numb I couldn't even feel if I was in the water. Finally my eyes closed letting the darkness take over.

Ciao! I hope you like this chapter! Sorry for all of the mistake and grammar I'm working on it so I hope you had a wonderful weekend. But tomorrow you have to go to bye see you next time!

NiyomiWolf is logging off!

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