23. What Needs to be Done now

Start from the beginning

The remaining 104th trainees stared at the flames in silence.

'Will we abandon the progress made through countless sacrifices and let the Titans devour us all?' Eren's speech then came to Jean's mind. 'I get it. I know we have to fight.' Jean thought. 'Still... not everyone can be a reckless idiot like you.' He slowly opened his eyes and just stared into the flames.

Marco came from behind and put his hand on his shoulder to comfort him. "I know what needs to be done now."

Jean looked at him. "Hmm?"

Marco furrowed his eyebrows. "I can't just live a comfortable and peaceful life when people will die here." He looked at Jean. "Jean. I'll join the Survey Corps."

Jean looked down. "It's the same for me..." He stood up, turned around and walked towards his friends, Marco following behind. "Hey, guys. Have you decided where you're going to enlist?"

Connie looked up at him curiously.

"I'm..." Jean said. "I'm-I'm joining the Survey Corps."

'Damn it.' Connie eyed Jean's shaking fist. He looked at Marco. "Hey, Marco. What about you?"

"I'll join the Survey Corps too." Marco said.

"Really? Even after seeing all of this?" Connie asked.

"Yeah. I can't just live a comfortable life knowing that more Walls could be breached and people will get killed." Marco said. "This is a something you can't do unless you decide for yourself."

"Huh? Jean said that?" Armin said and turned to him.

Connie looked at Annie. "Hey, Annie. What do you think? Even Jean and Marco said they're joining the Survey Corps."

"Nothing really." Annie said, looking at Connie. "You're set on joining the Military Police, right? Maybe I should too, shouldn't I? If someone told you to die, would you do it?"

"What? Of course not." Connie said.

"Then why not make your own decision?" Annie asked.

Connie looked down.

Annie looked at Armin. "Armin, what about you?"

"I think if you know why you have to die, there are times when you must lay down your life. Not that I want to die." Armin said.

"I see." Annie said and sighed. "You've made your choice."

"Yeah. I chose where I'd enlist a long time ago." Armin replied.

"Seriously? Armin, you too?" Connie asked with disbelief.

"You're weak, but you've got guts." Annie told to Armin.

"Thanks, I guess?" Armin said. "But, what about you? Do you have a reason to join the Military Police?"

"Not really. It's just... I want to survive." Annie replied.

"I see." Armin said. "That's a good reason though."

Infront of the old Survey Corps headquarters, Eld and Gunthar were sitting on the stairs, waiting for Levi.

"It looks like they couldn't find any soldiers who used their Maneuver Gear without permission." Gunther said, holding a mug. "Then who did it?"

Eld took a sip from his mug. "No idea. Right now, I'm more worried about the upcoming induction ceremony. How many of the new trainees are actually crazy enough to join us?"

Gunther looked at Eren. "Hey, Eren! Are there any people in your class who'd join us?"

Eren was standing by the horses, holding a bucket up to one. "There are some. No, there were some. I don't know about now."

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