Soup Group.

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PearlescentMoon placed a sign onto the last chest that she had sorted into the storage room. It lay beneath a tree, they had found one with a hole at the base of it, and had further expanded it to make an underground room. It was right next to the main building as well, so that was helpful,

Yes. She was making a storage system. Yes, she had just moved in. Yes, she sorted the chest monster that was already beginning to form in the main section of the jungle base. No, she didn't have a problem. How dare you assume such nonsense.

The last week or so had been spent making tiny changes to the biome, removing a few bushes here and there, hiding some lighting. Not things that would turn the jungle into a concrete city, but would just make living there slightly easier.

She had gathered a bunch of resources, mangrove wood, deepslate, lanterns and leaves. She and Scar discussed ideas for a place to put the Jellie Pandas that Scar had been meticulously training, whilst Grian sketched out design ideas for a main base.

Really, the main base had just turned out to be a big treehouse, with rope ladders and things connecting it to several other, smaller tree houses surrounding it, residing in the many limbs and branches of the jungle.

Pearl had also built what was kind of like a greenhouse, that covered the makeshift wheat field that they had put up at first, and now contained an abundance of wheat and potatoes. They had given a few potatoes to Jimmy and Tango, who were now raising a happy family of pigs.

There was also a smaller room underneath the greenhouse where there was some sugarcane growing, that only Pearl and Grian knew about. They had seen some people walking around asking if anyone had any, so they figured that this was probably a secret to keep to themselves for the time being.

Tilly nosed Pearl's hand, licking it gently as they wandered through the biome, headed towards the gate, where Grian had spent a good long while encasing the entire jungle in a wall of striped birch, with spikes of dripstone resting on top.

Pearl closed the gate behind her as she walked through it, seeing GeminiTay waiting on the other side.

Gem was passing a rhododendron back and forth between her hands. Pearl didn't really have that much of an extended knowledge on flowers, but she was pretty sure that those particular flowers didn't grow in the area. Had Gem brought it here from all the way from the birch forest where she and Iskall had made their base?

"Hiya there Gem? What's it like being a yellow life?"

Gem smiled sadly. "It's not the best, I'll admit. Kind of embarrassing, to be honest, the first ones to lose a life."

Pearl nodded. "I think I was asleep or something at the time, I woke up to my comm going ballistic. Apparently Iskall burned to death? Were y'all going through the nether or something?"

Gem looked at the dirt. "Not... really."

Pearl hummed. "Mkay. Well did you wanna come into the base and we can have more of a discussion over some soup?"

Gem bit back a smile. "You still have soup?"

Pearl sighed, resting a hand on Gem's shoulder. "Oh, Gemmy Gem Gem... I always have soup. Now, c'mon!"

She took Gem's hand and tried to gently lead her through the base, making a beeline for the main treehouse. But then Gem saw a pretty butterfly and Tilly started chasing it and they got distracted and sidetracked. And then half the day was gone.

Pearl fell back onto the chair with a sigh. She took a sip of her now-lukewarm cup of tea, and grimaced at the taste.

Gem set down her tea on a plate, she scratched Tilly behind the ears. The dog had accepted Gem as a friend and decided that to separate from her for the time being, would be to die. Bird stared judgingly at Tilly from their perch in the kitchen, where they were diligently cleaning their feathers.

The Void's Song.- Desert Duo. (slow updates)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum