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Today Chay is coming home from hospital. I was happy that he is coming back and sad at the same time. What if he won't remember me after i try?? Those thought were killing me

Macau will bring him to me, he will get his discharge certificate then he will drop him off here. I made food for Chay and Macau since they both were missing homemade food alot

I was waiting for them and i heard knock on my door. I happily opened the door and invited them both in. In this house there are alot of memories of chay and me

I was arranging food on the table and Chay was looking here and there in the room. Maybe he remembers something

I called both of them to eat food. I rarely cook but they both were missing homemade food so i made for them. Macau isn't that bad, he is soo friendly

"I think i had this fish-cutlet before.The same taste, texture and this place is soo familiar to me" (CHAY)

"You used to be with me most of the time and the fish-cutlet, you liked it soo much when i made it for you first time" (KIM)

"Oh. That's why everything here is soo familiar to me" (CHAY)

"Woww. This is actually soo delicious" (MACAU)

"You liked it too Macau" (KIM)

"Yes. It's actually soo good, did you made this?" (CHAY)

"Hm" (KIM)

After they both are, Macau left and Chay was watching T.V, i went towards him and say down beside him. Having him this close to me once again feels soo good



"Can I ask you something?"

"Hm. What is it?"

"Why you used to fight with your brother?"


"It's okay if you don't want to tell me"

"I used to fight with him because he was against me. He hated whatever i used to do. There was guy, my brother used to be with him all the time. Ever since my brother met him, he changed. He used to talk rudely to me, he used to ignore me most of the time. I just hated it because of these reasons we used to fight alot"

"What if i tell you the guy's name?"

"You know something. Don't hide anything from me please"

"The guy your brother is dating is my brother. His name is Kinn, they both are getting engaged next week"


"I know it's hard for you to believe but it's true"

"That's great. Once again he got a chance to get rid of me"

"Don't say stuff like that"

"Whatever. So tell me where do we start from?"

"Start what?"

"Stupid. You said you would help me to get my memory back"

"Oh yeah. You should rest for some days after that i will help you remember everything"


"Do you need anything? I will get that for you"

"I need ice-cream"

"What flavour?"

"Chocolate and Butterscotch"

"Okk. I will get it for you"


I left to buy some icecream for him, he seems comfortable around me. My heart finnally feels light.      After i got him icecream, i went back

I went inside and saw him crying. I rushed towards him and hugged him

"Chay what's wrong?"

"Th-there was som-someone on the door and he gave me de-death threat"


"He was an unknown person to me. I never saw him before in my life"

"Don't worry. Everything will be fine, don't cry"

I wiped his tears away and gave him his icecream, the whole day went us talking about our life.

"So what does your family do P-kim?"

"My father is a business man"

"Stop lying. Tell me the truth"


"C'mon don't joke around"

"I'm telling you the truth. My family are mafias"

"N-no. Stay away from me"

"But what i did?"

"You would kill me"

"Chay i won't"

"N-no you will. Why would you not kill me?"

"Because i-"




"I love you. I never have felt like this with anyone except you chay. I love you. Please believe me"

"Why? Why? Why?"

"Chay please"

Mysterious Guy- |Kim×Porchay|Where stories live. Discover now