The Road Ahead

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Toto got home a few days later from Australia, and Nala was relieved. Her father, she feels, in one of the true people who can actually understand her pain and she can talk about anything to him. She can do that with her mother as well, but it's been a little bit awkward since Nala told her to stand down from coddling her so much. Even though she knows she should have said it a bit nicer, she can't help but feel glad she has her own space most of the time.

"Dad, can I please go back home. To the Rome house, where I live", Nala asked her father the afternoon he got back. Toto thought about it for a minute or two, a worried expression on his face.
"It's going to be really hard for you, you know that? Unless you have someone who comes and cares for you, I don't think we can let you back home, Nala", he says, raising his eyebrows slightly and waiting for her response.

Nala nods quickly. She can deal with that. A carer who comes and helps her, makes sure the animals are ok.
"Yes, dad. I can certainly deal with a carer. Just as long as they can give me some space", she says, agreeing. And that settles it. She's going back home.

2 days later, Nala and her parents are on the private jet and heading to Rome. Susie had warmed up to Nala a little more again but still gave her some space. So they all relaxed on the plane ride until they got there.

The plane landed, they were picked up by a driver, and driven to the house up in the hills. Seeing the tree-lined drive made Nala let out a breath she didn't know she was holding. She knew she was home now. When they got to the front of the house, they were met with Kamille standing out on the front steps with Romeo patiently sitting by her side. Nala smiled at the sight and waved, but didn't know if K had seen it.

Kamille would now be officially Nala's carer and would be living in the house with her. K was studying architecture, so she was fine to be able to stay home majority of the time. Nala was so happy that it was her who would be taking care of her.

Once Nala was out of the car and up the steps, and her bags were inside, it was time to say goodbye to her parents. They would be returning to Monaco straight away.

"Physical therapy starts in 1 week, ok? Kamille will come with you to each if you like, and she will be here most of the time unless she has to go out for a bit. We'll also be getting alternate access for you going up stairs, like ramps for outdoors, and chair lifts for inside, ok?", Toto said, before giving his daughter a kiss on the forehead and returning to the car.

Susie was reluctant at first, though. She stood in her spot for a minute, looking at Nala as if she were the most prescious thing on earth.
"I'm sorry, honey. I should have got up in your personal space so much", she apologised. Nala smiled at her, her expression forgiving.
"It's ok. I'm sorry I talked that way. It won't happen again. I love you", Nala replied to her.
"I love you too, honey", Susie said, kissing Nala's cheek before rushing to the car, waving before she jumped in. Nala knew things would be back to the way they were now with her mother.

The next day, Nala heard a knock at the door, quickly wheeling herself over to see who it was. Lando stood at the door, flowers in his hand and a shy smile on his face.
"Hey, how are you, Nala?", he asked as she let him inside.
"I'm good thanks. What are you doing here, Lando?", she asked.
"Oh, I'm just here to see how you are you know? I wanted to check up on you", he said, smiling. Nala nodded her head, leading Lando out the back so they could sit under the shade of one of the big trees.

Lando handed her the flowers, which she placed in her lap. Sunflowers. One of her favourites. She loved them. When she looked up at Lando, she could see him staring at her. His eyes would go from her lips to her eyes, then back again. Nala did the same to him. For a moment, nothing happened. But then they found themselves leaning in and after a brief minute, they were kissing. His kiss was tender and loving, and Nala enjoyed. But when they pulled away, her heart instantly knew it was wrong, and it seemed Lando knew that too. His lips were pursed in an attempted smile, but it didn't reach his eyes.

"I'm sorry, Nala. I shouldnt have done that. It's wrong. Your way too young, and even though I do like you and your great, trust me, it's just wrong. We shouldnt do this ok? Friends?", he explained. Nala sighed with relief. He'd said the thing she'd been thinking. It was wrong. They should stop.
"Your right, Lando. It is wrong. And being just friends would be great. I'd love that", Nala replied. There was silence for little bit, but then Lando stood up.
"I should go. I was only coming to check on you", he said. "Bye", and then he left. In a way Nala was relieved, and secretly she'd kind of liked him, but her fading feelings were going away even more now.

Ollie met Nala and Kamille the next week for her first physical therapy appointment. He said he wouldn't miss it, and he meant it too. Not many people are like that these days.
"You ready?", he'd asked before they went in. Nala stilled for a moment, then shrugged her shoulders.
"Not sure I'm ready for anything right now, but I'll be fine", she replied, and Ollie squeezed her shoulder lightly before they all entered the hospital.

The first was hard, and the second, and the third, and all the ones after that. But slowly they got easier. And Ollie made sure to be there for every single one, no matter what.

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