Fast Cars

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The driver parade started and finished, and soon Nala was standing on the grid, her car 9th. Jaidyn and Marley hyped her up until she was bouncing around, ready to go.

Nala was given her helmet, her oh so special helmet that she absolutely adored. She put it on, fastening the straps beneath her chin, then slipping her hands into the gloves. Her excitement rose it become closer and closer until she had to get in the car.

And finally when that time came, she carefully lowered herself into the seat, closing her visor as she watched all the engineers and mechanics run off the grid and to the sides. That's when she knew it was nearly time.

The formation lap started and Nala had to wait for the eight other cars in front of her to go before she pressed her foot on the accelerator and followed them. She warmed her tires by going in zigzags, then her brakes by accelerating then braking quickly. As she turned the corners, she watched the crowd go by her, all cheering with flags or signs raised, sporting all the different team colours that you could find throughout the paddock. Although they couldn't see, Nala smiled radiantly as she looked on at the screaming fans.

Finally the cars started to line up on the grid, the roar of the engines music to the crowds ears.
"Ok, Nala. Good luck and make it a birthday to remember! The lights will be up in a second, be ready!", she heard Alyssa's voice through the radio. Sure enough, moments later after the entire grid had formed, the bright red lights began to show.


The lights went out and Nala got an excellent start, her reaction time on point. The drag race down to the first corner was intense as Nala weaved her way in and out of various cars. She went around the tight turn, forced to the inside by Esteban Ocon who was right along side her. They battled through the second corner and onto the straight, were they both had a slip stream from the cars in front of them.
"P7 Nala. Keep Ocon away, your in front", Alyssa says. Nala gained momentum as she braked late, sling-shotting her car through the next corner, forcing Esteban behind her. Lando Norris and Fernando Alonso were in front of Nala, battling their through the next set of corners until the long straight, where Nala had a slip stream yet again, gaining prescious time on the two other drivers. It wasnt enough though as they went through turn 11 and 12 very close to one another. The next straight, Nala had another slip stream, and she quickly dived down the side of them so she was along side the two other cars. As the corner came, she drove on the outside, Alonso getting wedged in the middle and having to pull out as Nala and Lando went through the corner together. Nala exited the corner right next to Lando, just inches behind him, with Fernando now behind both of them.

"Great pass Nala. P6, now onto Norris. You can do this", Alyssa calls through the radio.
"How much time between us?", Nala asked quickly, trying to focus on the race she was in.
"0.3 to Norris. Try a pass on the next corner", Alyssa replies from the pits. Nala and Lando raced down toward turn 1, now onto the second lap of the race. Nala went on the outside of Lando, who was still in front, but as they made their way through turn 2, Nala went flat out on the inside line, making Lando have to slow a little as he went on the outside. She was now a full car length in front of Lando as they raced their way down the straight and onto the next corners.

"Well done, Nala. P5. 1.1 to Russel in front", Nala's engineer calls. She continued to race around the track, the four leading cars in her sights, as she gained time on both the cars behind her and in front of her.

Lap 3 came, and Alyssa announced through the radio, "DRS enabled. You'll be able to use DRS on Russell, your 0.8 behind". As she comes around turn 3 and onto the second straight, she is able to activate her DRS, instantly going faster. She caught up to the back of George, who didn't have DRS, as the others were off in the distance. Nala had to hold back though, as the straight ended and they went through the windy corners of sector 2.

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