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The bright rays of sunshine shone down on the beach, tanning Nala's olive skin as she lay on a towel. It was Tuesday, and as a day off, Nala had gone for a day trip down to the Amalfi Coast. Fiordo Di Furore, a beautiful beach that Nala adored dearly, was where she decided to spend some of her day.

The stunning blue water was entrapped in the cove, surrounded by high cliffs and a beautiful old bridge built above it. Nala layed on the shore though, her black sunglasses covering her eyes, wearing a cute white and sage striped bikini, with a nice white hat. Her dog, Romeo, sat next to her, being very tame and obedient just like always. He just sat there with his tongue hanging out and a smile on his face while his golden coat shone in the light.

After a while, Nala took Romeo in the water. They played and splashed about in the far corner near Nala's things, away from everyone else. The golden retriever was having the time of his life as water dropped from his soaked mane, running in and out of the water with his owner.

Nala's cheery laughs just encouraged Romeo to start jumping around even more. Eventually, Nala was sitting in the water with Romeo by her side, laughing as the dog licked her cheek lovingly.
"Want some ice-cream, RoRo?", she asked him, petting his head as she stood up and walked back to her towel and bag. She pat the side of her leg, gesturing for Romeo to come with her. She quickly wrapped her towel around her waist and packed up her things, putting Romeo on his leash as they prepared to leave.

The walk back up the hundreds of steps turned out to be pretty tiring after playing around for a while, and once they got to the top, both Nala and Romeo where desperate for water. Nala quickly filled up a water bowl at a nearby tap for her dog to drink out of, which he instantly did. Then, they made their way to the cute little gelato shop close by.

"Solo un po' di vaniglia in una tazza, e magari un cono di biscotti e crema, per favore!", Nala said to the worker, meaning plain vanilla in a cup and a cookies and cream cone in Italian. She watched as the petite woman behind the counter quickly made up her order, holding onto Romeo's leash loosely as she fumbled for her coin purse and bought out some change. Nala handed the money over to the woman, in exchange for the two ice-creams that Nala walked over to a chair with.

She layed down the cup on the ground for Romeo and he quickly took his chance and began to eat it. As Nala ate hers, she checked her phone, seeing a notification from instagram. She quickly went onto the app, and saw that Lando Norris had began to follow her, and had sent her a DM. Nala found herself curiously swiping over to see his unopened message in her DM's, tapping on it after a few moments.

"Good job on the weekend. You did amazing!", it said, and Nala found herself smiling. She'd only ever really talked to Lando a few times, yet this was really nice of him to actually reach out and congratulate her, even if it was only a small gesture. So she wrote back.
"Thank you so much Lando! It means a lot. You did great as well", she texted back. Although it wasn't a lot, she still thought it would show some sort of appreciation toward him, and so she sent it with a smile on her face.

For a minute or two, Nala sat on the chair, eating her ice-cream with Romeo next to her, thinking about that message. And that's when a thought popped into her head.
'I've got to stalk him', it said, and soon Nala pulled up his insta page and was scrolling through, looking at everything he had on there. There were so many good pictures of him, she realised. She especially liked the ones where his hair was messy but nice and he had his adorable smile on his face like always. For some reason, she couldn't help but smile at these. When she caught herself doing it though, she shook her head and wiped it away. Nala reminded herself of some things:
1. They could never be anything, especially when they were rivals
2. He was too old for her, she was 17 and he was 22
3. She had other things to focus on other than some dumb boy, like racing, or being in her last year of school.

That last point sent alarm bells ringing in her mind. She had to start studying. And luckily she had brought some of her books with her. So she gathered her things again and lead Romeo to the car. She had brought her Mercedese-Benz SL Roadster, placing towels over the passenger seat for Romeo so he didn't scratch anything. She let him jump in, then went over and sat in the drivers seat. She rearranged some things, gathering everything she would need for her study session that she would be having at a little outdoor restaurant.
School books
Pencil case
And her new book she was reading, 'Things we never got over', by Lucy Score.

Quickly, she slipped on some white shorts and replaced her hat by tying a white flowered bandana around her head, making her hair fall behind it so it would go in her face, and put on her sunglasses. And then she was off, but still with the thought of Lando's message buzzing in the back of her mind.

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