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"May, I don't know we shouldn't be doing this..." I trailed off as we enter her room. Y/N went to the washroom, and now May, Y/N best friend, is all the sudden getting very close too me. It was a small get together with myself and Y/N's friends so they'll notice that we are gone. She kissed my cheek softly "cmon she'll never know..."

I shook of the feelings and pushed her away "no, May, I love Y/N we can't...YOU CANT!"

she rolled her eyes and pulled me to her lips by the neck, our lips connected. I wanted to get out of her trance...but I couldn't, her force was too strong. I finally get a hold of her "May, stop it. This is not a good idea. I don't wanna hurt-"

"Shawn?" A familiar voice cracked. Y/N.

My eyes widened as I came to her slowly "Y/N...its, it's not what it looks like-"

Y/N cut me off "what the hell Shawn...I thought you loved me..."

She looked behind me to see who I was cheating with. Y/N expression went blank as her jaw dropped
"Okay, that's just cold..." Tears welted in her eyes. I try to touch her face for comfort but she slapped them away from herself "don't touch me!!" She screamed. I never felt so hurt in my life. Y/N made contact with May "and you..." She started off. May shot up a look as tears streamed down both of their faces

"I never want to speak nor see you again" she said storming out of the room. A sigh left my body, as it was shaking a bit from her words that cut deeper than a knife (stitches man😎👏🏼)

I turned to May as she cried loud sobs. I spoke sternly "I hope you can sleep at night, with what you did to your best friend"
It's almost like I was talking to myself...because look what I did to not only my girlfriend, but my best friend
I ran out of her room and down the stairs. All of our friends were gathered around the TV, watching the ducks play against the Blackhawks.

"Where is y/n?"

They all looked at me blankly, with disappointment in their eyes. They all would answer my question.

I immediately snapped "WHERE?!"
Bryan, our friend spoke "she left dude, way to go"

My eyes began to water as I ran away from the house to see my baby. I ran and ran until I was out of breath, and even then I kept going. I was three houses away, so close yet so far. There was no cars in the drive way which meant she was alone in her own home. I knocked on the door loudly. No one answered. I knocked once more, this time louder, and still no sign.

Hot tears ran down my eyes because I don't know if she's safe or not. What if she did something to herself, or worse...and I'm the one to blame because I couldn't help. The thoughts of that situation flooded my brain as I remembered y/n showed me where her spare key was. I flipped the rug over and opened the little door under it. There I found the key, the key to her house, but the way I get to my love. I shook uncontrollably, crying as I unlocked the door. I searched through every inch of her house until I reached the bathroom. I heard screams and cries from behind closed doors

"IM SO STUPID!!!" She yelled. My heart crumbled as I knocked on the bathroom door. Y/n sniffled "mom, I'm okay..."

I shut my eyes hoping she wouldn't be mad "no, it's me...Shawn"

I heard the door unlocked as it creaked open "what do you want?" She said sternly

"Open the door" I spat back

"No Shawn now can date May now" y/n gulped. I became furious and kicked open the door. Y/n stepped back and slid her back against the wall crying. I found her bruised, with cuts and scratches all over herself. I did this, even though it wasn't me who purposely planned it, I did this, I'm at fault.

I bent down to her level as she cried even louder. I opened my arms "can, can I?"

She nodded as she came into my arms. Y/n 's tears laid on my shirt. I stumbled on my words "w-why? Why would you do this..."

"I h-hurt myself...b-b-because I'm stupid, and I'm ugly and-" I cut her off with my words

"Stop it, this was all my fault...I'm-im sorry..."
Yea I took blame. But I rather her be mad at me then at her best friend. She could never replace a childhood best friend, even though I was one of them.

I cried harder rocking y/n in my arms "I understand if you never want to see me again..."

She didn't say a word, after a moment of silence, that's when her words killed me
"Shawn,-I-I think you should go..."

I slowly let go of her and helped her off the ground. I nodded and left the bathroom walking to the door where she walked me out

Y/n choked on her words "s-Shawn?..."

I looked back and I saw her tears streaming down her face.
"Come back...please"

I ran to her and my lips connected with hers immediately. The power of a kiss almost healed everything wrong, everything but me...I was still as sorry as I was before. And no kiss from y/n lips can change that. She pulled away. I stood there breathless without any words
"I lied..."
I looked into her deep (colour of eyes)
"Don't leave me..." y/n whimpered

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