Shawn Mendes

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The fight
At your best friends party, there was no sign of Shawn. It's been at least an hour since you arrived. He went with you of course but some how trailed off. You look everywhere and every crevice for him at the bottom floor, but no sign. It was so crowded and loud. A bunch of music was blasting and to be honest it wasn't even that good. Damn this party sucks. The only reason you came was to have a good time with your friends and Shawn, but sadly they ditched you for their boyfriends. All you really needed was Shawn.

Wait, you haven't checked the top floor.

You went up the staircase to the 4 bedrooms and one washroom there. You checked behind the closed door to see a couple making out. You heart stopped once you realize, that's not some random couple, it's Shawn, your boyfriend and Ally, your used to be friend, making out

(Btw, sorry if anyone's name is Ally)

Shawn's face went blank as a tear rolled down your cheek. He slowly got up

"Y/n, it's-it's not what it looks like"

You didn't take up with his bull shit and stormed out of the house. What was the point of being at this dumb ass party, if all your friends ditched you and your boyfriend cheated. Screw this you thought and went home. You practically ran, because guess who was behind you, begging for his trust and forgiveness; Shawn

You got to your porch and just broke down in tears. Shawn stood there in front of you and whimpered "y/n please she kissed me, belie-"

"SHUT THE HELL UP SHAWN,....I can't trust you..." You slowly faded into a whisper as he sat beside you. You felt some discomfort as Shawn put his arm around you. Shuffling over, he started to speak

"Please, she kissed me" he cried

You took a deep breath and stood up, as his eyes followed your movement

You rattled your keys until you finally get the right one, you unlock the door and go in your house. Before slamming it shut, you sighed "we're done Shawn, have a wonderful life with Ally"

Shutting you door, you officially broke down in tears as you slid your back down on the door, landing the bottom half of you to the floor. You felt your phone vibrate and it was from, you guessed it Shawn.

Shawn- forgive me PLEASE!

You deleted the text message and shut your phone off. You ran up the stairs to your room and take down all the pictures of you and Shawn and put it in a box. Then you came across the teddy bear he won for you at the Toronto Fair. You punch the stuffed bear with anger until tears took over you strength. You scream loudly, ranting about how much you hate him, good thing no one was home. At this point, the anger took over you and almost won....
You see the heavens above as you hear one last call of Shawn holler your name. You were so close...until you saw nothingg but black.
*the next day*

You found yourself surrounded by your family in the hospital, including Shawn, crying. But why? You don't even remember what even went on?

Your father held your hand "y/n, you just survived a major heart attack..." He stopped as he began to cry once more. You gave a death stare to Shawn. This was all his fault, and he should know that.

You interrupt your dad crying "can you guys leave, I wanna talk to Shawn" you said still having a direct contact in his soul. Everyone else left as shawn sat on the side of the bed

"You almost died over me, y/n, I was trying to help you" Shawn trembled

You rolled your eyes effortlessly "what do you can do it again? Screw you Shawn, you almost made me die. You know how I am with my heart condition"

A tear rolled down his face "I always will love you"

"Get out" you demand

"I never wanna see you again"

Shawn became fed up and roughly grabbed your face and pressed his lips against yours. In shock you pull him off .

What the hell? You thought but words came out different "you promise to love me and never leave me?"

Shawn nodded eagerly as you kiss him once more.

He whispered under his breath "I'm so stupid for kissing Ally"

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