Sky Will Hope

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"If the weather only changed for me just once, then maybe, just maybe; I would be happy."

As Hia watches over the horizon, down by the Golden Gate Bridge of San Francisco. Hearing the peaceful waters, watching the sun arise and feeling the touch of the sun's kisses, she smiles.

walking away to leave, she continues her morning jog, listening to the latest music released.

though as she works in the restaurant near the beach in San Fransisco, she lived a life as a lead vocalist in a band from many years ago.

a sacred memory that'll she shall remember forever.

opening the restaurant blinds and turning on the radio, it was another day of work for her and her father. it's been two years since she opened this restaurant and it's always busy, except for Wednesdays.

it wasn't easy coming through, but soon everyone started coming and money was getting easy, new recipes were coming every month and more customers were served.

it's still a small restaurant by the bay, but it was worth it for the food.

as she sat behind the counter, waiting for the day to start, she eyes the photo sitting on the counter, only allowing to see where she stood.

can't help but not forget. the band already found new members, one taking her place as vocalist. she's not mad about it of course, her former bandmates were very passionate about music; unlike her.

in the span of a eight months, AVON had already found a new vocalist and a new guitarist. The band was big, and their fame highly increased with their new music.

it was reasonable for them to find a new vocalist immediately since Hia just left so suddenly, not telling any of their bandmates anything. she left on June 4th, after her ex-boyfriend's birthday. not leaving a note but just a kiss that her ex might've known.

she has not regretted it since.

they were doing better without her, she was doing better without them.

the only thing she had regretted was the fact that she even became a band member. maybe it was five years in her career, that she realized, this wasn't for her.

and so and so, she put up with it, miserable as ever, it was only two years that she left that life. putting it all away, changing her name from Mari to Hia, her appearance, she was never going back to that lifestyle.


"tell me a story, Mari, I know you got plenty ones in middle school!" Tobi says, groggily as he drank the last sip from his cup of alcohol. Mari laughed at his actions to find out there wasn't any alcohol left.

"I dunno, i guess when i got into a fight with Rila G. because she thought i was copying her by wearing the same shirt as she was," Mari replies back, putting her index finger at the bottom of her lip.

hearing her bandmates laugh all in unison, they were all drunk except for her and Rui. As Rui grabbed another cigarette from the box that was sitting on the table, Mari helped Rui with lighting his cigarette.

"thanks, Mar," he thanked giving her a cheeky smile that made Mari flushed in pink.

with Tobi on the other side watching them two, he sparks out in joy.

"aww you two need to get married already!" Tobi pointed out with much enthusiasm as his body fell over the table, with him being drunk he already made his stay. as they all laughed, they soon had to return home soon.

As they all filled their shot glasses for one more drink, clinking their glasses together they all exclaimed: "For AVON!" drinking all together they're shots. it was a fun moment celebrating because their newest album reached to a million sales.

"You guys will be famous," Mari had said out loud, everyones head turning at her with a smile.

"yeah, we all will!" Bonnie cheered making everyone agree also, as they all talked more, Mari stayed quiet hearing everyone's conversation. it was mostly Tobi talking with his loud mouth.

Looking around as Mari did, she noticed that one of her bandmates weren't drinking as much as the rest.

"you're not drinking tonight Bonnie? why?" she pointed out, Bonnie gave her a small smile before talking.

"Nah, I don't like drinking that much and I have to take care of Tobi so... yeah. what about you?" Bonnie returned the question after answering, Mari nodded in response that she understood Bonnie.

"Ah, you know, drinking is not my thing and I'm the vocalist of this band, I need to keep my vocals healthy." Mari responded, making her bandmates that were around her listened and understood.

as they left the karaoke place for the night, it was just Rui and her. happily kissing on their shared bed, with each kiss that exchanged from their lips, the two led to something else.


As Hia smiled at the mere memory, she heard the bell coming from the entrance, indicating customers coming in.

this was officially the start of her day.

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