
I lock my locker and leave to french class, i dont really to concentrait in any of my classes because i technicly dont need to learn.
But i go anyways as to not arise any suspision from the goverment.

I finally get to class and see Finn waiting there infront of the door again.
I sit next to him.

He seems to be lost in thought so i turn back away to look down the hallway just sitting next to him in silence.

I see the teacher in the distance so i get up and grab my stuff, Finn finally looks up at me.

"What got a starring problem?"
I smirk.

"A-ah, no just wonderd why you stood up."

"The teachers coming."

He grabs his stuff and gets up too.

And on qeue the teacher arrives.
He unlocks the door for us and lets us in.

We take our seats in the back next to eachother.

Suddenly, a thought crosses my mind.
Was he so switched up because of Zace?
I mean we all know hes going to be ok but still.

"Can i ask you a question?"

He looks at me unfased still staring into the white board.

"Are you upset because of Zace?"

"No, why?"

"Jay wants to know whats been eating you up since earlier, we honestly all want to know."
I say the last part barely below a wisper as i turn to stare into the whit board aswell.

"Ill talk to him, dont worry about me."

We stay in silence for the rest of class and the rest of the day.

Heading out to the bus was a different story however.
I overheard Cole and Finn talking again.

"Oh come on babe why dont you just take me back already."

"No, like i said time and time again. I dont want to go out with you anymore."

I knew breefly from Jake that Cole was Finn's ex but i didnt expect this out Cole, i mean hes stupid but i didnt think he was this stupid.

I continue listening.

"Cole stop it!"

"Oh come oonnn~"
I hear strugling

I take that as my qeue to enter and break this up before this gets worse but i was to late.

When i turned from the corner i was at i saw Cole touching Finn while also pinning him against the wall.

"Get lost."


"Why not dont you have something better to do?"

"No, and we both know why im not leaving. Let him go, now."
He lets go with a smirk.

Im confused by this but choose not to dwell on it.

Finn comes running up to me grabing my sleve and guides us to the bus, i sit next to him.

The bus ride was silent to our road even as we got off.

I followed Finn home.

He looks back at me confused.

"Why did you follow me home?"

"Didnt you save me a plate from last week?"

He sighs loudly.

"Yes i did, come in."

Can't Remember Just To Forget You. (saiki k x Male oc)Where stories live. Discover now