Chapter 9.

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After Zace had a heart attack it was finally time to go annoy Carson. As Jayson called a new uber i turned to Zace.

"Hey, sorry for scaring you."

"Dont sweat it, just dont do that again."

"Yea, got it."

With that came the awkward silence and a few minutes later the uber arrived, he got in gave him the adress and left to annoy our next victims.

As the day progressed and we finally got everyone we all decided to have a sleepover at my house. We stayed up playing video games and watching horror movies.
Moring arrived and i realized i was the last to wake up.

"Good morning."
Carson said to me chilling on his phone, everyone else were probably downstairs.

I get out of bed and walk down to the rest of the group. As i walk down i notice Saiki is no where to be found.

"Hey weres Saiki?"

"He probably left early."
Jayson told me.

"Oh that sucks i was going to make pancackes."

"Thats sounds amazing."

I leave to the kitchen as i grab some pancake mix and start coking. An hour passes as i now have enough pancakes for everyone, i walk to the dinning room with my plate full.
I set it down as Zace comes back from the kitchen with plates for everyone.

"Dig in!"
I say with a smile evident on my face.

As everyone left to go home after the exausting night we had i turn to the kitchen with all the empty plates. I look beside me to see the plate i saved for Saiki i put in seram wrap and leave it in the frigde for now.

I clean up all the dishes and head up to my room to continue working on my muisic homework, its due for the end of the year but i dont care i find it fun playing the guitar.

And just like that the weekends over already.
Dam i miss it already.




I wake up to my alarm, i normally dont put one on but i needed to this morning so i could take a shower without being late for the bus.

I take my shower, get changed, brush my teeth, eat and grab my bag as i head out the door walking to my bus stop.

I see Saiki.



"You missed out on the pancakes i made yesterday."


"I saved you a plate though."

"Thanks ill pick it up tonight."

"Oh okay."

With our small conversation finished the bus arrives, everybody boards and were off to shcool.

I get off the bus and head in the shcool towards the lockers and see Jayson, as always.

"Thoes pancakes were dilecious."


"So do you know why Saiki left early?"

"I have a slight idea, why?"

"Just curious."
He said shrugging.

"He doesnt really like being around large groups."

"Oh okay."
The conversation ends as i grab my stuff to go to muisic, i walk off waving goodbye to Jayson.

Can't Remember Just To Forget You. (saiki k x Male oc)Where stories live. Discover now