chapter six.

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"Do we have to... I don't know, hold hands or anything?" I asked awkwardly. It would make sense for me to be touching someone physically to bring them along.

Loki's hand rubbed his chin before he said, "I don't know."

"Well, I don't think it could hurt," I explained. "Last time I accidentally did this, I was with Steve, and we were standing next to each other, and he didn't come with me. So it's better to be safe than sorry," I stretched out a hand to him.

Loki eyed it suspiciously.

"The feeling is mutual. You didn't have a problem hugging me a minute ago," I countered.

He snorted, but didn't say anything. He reluctantly took my hand, and as soon as he did, I felt a tingling sensation buzzing in my fingertips. His hand was big and cold, but I didn't intertwine our fingers.

I stood there, eyes open, focusing on a black space on the wall, trying to decide on a destination. Apparently all my brain could think of at the moment was mine and Tony's favorite donut shop, and it was easy enough to visualize, so I decided on that.

As quickly as I had made up my mind, we were suddenly there. It felt like I had just gone on a rollercoaster, where my stomach lurched forward and I felt dizzy and nauseous. I didn't feel like this when I accidentally projected myself into the council room, so maybe this only happens when I bring someone else along.

I looked up to see that we were, in fact, out of the Helicarrier and standing in front of the shop. Loki was gawking at me, probably impressed.

"That was quite incredible," Loki remarked, dropping my hand and giving me a short pat on the shoulder, and straightening his posture. "Thank you. Although I might vomit."

I gave him a weird look. "Are you bipolar?"

"It's not that I didn't want to hold your hand. I didn't want to throw up," Loki heaved.

I chuckled, but ran my fingers through my hair, parting it in the middle like I do.

"So, what's next? Is this where we split-" I turned to Loki but saw he wasn't there. I gasped, turning my head in every direction to see where he went.

God dammit, I didn't even think about what he'd do if he escaped!

I focused on the crowd and tried to pick out who looked unusual until I finally saw his jet black hair rushing through the crowd.

"Hey!" I yelled, to which he snuck a quick glance behind him, and started running.

I growled as I pushed myself forwards to chase him. Good thing I wore tennis shoes today.

I was finally gaining on him until he picked left when I swore he'd go right. I took the turn too fast and I ran face-first into a wide pole. It felt as if my nose caved in, and my hand flew to my face. It was completely numb and I realized I had bitten my lower lip in the process. I felt my nose to make sure it was still intact, but noticed my fingers were covered in blood.


I looked up to see that I lost Loki. I pulled my sleeve down and wiped the blood with it before a thought occurred to me; I could probably teleport to where Loki is. Maybe instead of thinking about a place in general, maybe I can project myself to where a specific person is.

It's worth a shot, considering it's my only option.

But I can't just disappear in the middle of the sidewalk. Someone will notice.

I'll have to find a quiet, empty place to teleport quickly.

I'll try to find the nearest alley.

* * *

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