"Well, yes, but I was hoping you'd come willingly."

"What makes you think I'll do that?" I gave him a dumb look.

"I can make you," he shrugged.

"Ooh," I waved my arms.

Loki scoffed. "If I had known you'd be this... difficult, I would have dealt with this a lot differently."

"I mean, to be fair, you haven't given me a reason to trust you, or even understand where you're coming from," I reasoned with him. "If you're lucky, maybe we could plan world domination together," I joked.

"You mean it?" His eyes lit up.


"Look," he said quickly and started to walk again. "I've come back for one reason only."

"Okay," I played along.

I reached into my back pocket to make sure that the voice recorder I had was still recording. I clicked it on as soon as I was far away enough from Loki to make sure he wouldn't notice. If I'm able to get away and get back to Tony or Steve, I'll be able to tell and show them everything.

"I already told you. I'm here for you," he pointed at me. He rolled out his hand and pointed all five fingers towards me. It looked unnatural so I figured he was trying to use magic on me.

"That's not going to work on m-e..." I couldn't finish my sentence before my eyelids started to droop. My head felt like someone was literally trying to pry it open and all the energy escaped from my muscles. I could feel my knees about to buckle, but I took a deep breath and used what energy I could muster to try to fight it.

After a moment, it looked as if his magic had bounced off of me and rebounded on him. He looked the same as I just felt; his eyelids drooping and his body sagging. I watched in shock as he actually fainted, and I ran as fast as I could to try to catch him before his head hit the ground.

I didn't want to hurt him.

As I cradled his head on the floor, I noticed that he was actually very handsome when his face muscles were relaxed and he didn't look so angry. His features were very prominent; a long nose and eyelashes, high cheekbones, and a strong jawline.

I blinked out of my haze and looked between him and the cylinder.

I didn't know how long his own magic would last on him, so I dragged him into the cage and ran out as fast as I could in case it was motion censored. As I hit the "CLOSE" button on the panel, I couldn't help but feel bad.

Maybe I should have just convinced him to leave. Or maybe I should have just gone with him. I don't want to hurt anyone and I don't want anything to be my fault.

I turned on my heel, ran towards the door, and desperately tried to open it. After a few seconds, the door automatically opened with a whoosh and I came face-to-face with Steve.

He was wearing his Captain America suit and was holding his shield. It seemed as if he had been fighting because he was panting so hard, but I couldn't see any physical injuries.

"I have been trying to open that door for a long time."

I reached into my back pocket and pressed STOP on the recorder, handing it to him. He gave me a look of confusion and I mentally sighed.

I forgot. Of course he wouldn't know what this was.

"This is a voice recorder. I got Loki to talk a little and it recorded everything we said."

I didn't notice that I was shaking until Steve reached forwards and pulled me into a hug, dropping his shield. I wrapped my arms around him and buried my face into his chest.

Loki & The Dark World RemasteredWhere stories live. Discover now