life was just looking real grim for ivy at the moment and it was starting to make tiana think she had an evil eye due to all the back to back altercations ivy kept finding herself in.

❝ its ruining my life!

" WHAT am I gonna do ti; my momma's already suspicious and my belly is showing, like showing."

( " Ti " nickname for Tiana pronounced "tee" )

ivy's hoarse voice lowly resonated from the phone her whole life spiraling after she chose not to get rid of the baby.

call her delusional but maybe the baby was a bad omen and she should've gotten rid of "it" when she had the chance.

the honey blonde leaning over the bathroom sink, trying to get as close to the mirror as possible, seeing as she didn't have her glasses on at the moment she couldn't see all that well.

"your belly shouldn't be showing you're only what, 6 weeks?" tiana the girl's best friend raising a brow at how fast the pregnancy was moving along— its almost like the baby wanted ivy to get caught.

"i'm only 6 weeks but it looks like I'm at least 2 to 3 months tiii, " ivy whining once again as her "growing" belly peeked out of her shirt.

she'd need to buy maternity or bigger size clothes soon but she already blew through the $600 so how she was gonna do that? — only God knows.

tiana quickly brushing her lashes out with the mascara wand like brush her lash tech had given her in her lash care package.

she made sure to keep her lashes clean since she didn't want to be used as an example.

she's already faced enough embarrassment, having her lashes and face plastered on a flyer saying "ladies make sure you are cleaning your lashes" would be the nail in her coffin.

slipping her glasses back on to see if her best friend was exaggerating or not, seeing as ivy had a habit for over exaggerating things a lot.

and seeing as this is her first pregnancy and she hasn't been to a doctor how does she know how far along she looks?

probably googled it.

she needs to stay off google before she end up like aunt jackie; who thinks she done had every disease and illness in the book.

if you take her word for it she just beat cancer and some unnamed illness last week.

God bless her soul believing everything she see on the internet— if only she'd put the time and effort she spends googling stuff into going to the doctor.

"lemme see," flicking the light off as she exited the bathroom, grabbing her purse from the edge of her desk, everything she needed already inside the bag.

she didn't need much as she kept everything in her car a change of clothes, lip gloss, slides, and a blanket.

she had other things that could help her if she ever got in a situation where she was trapped in her car.

tiana is always over prepared due to her watching the news; she unlocks a new fear every morning.

her current fear was ending up like her friend ivy— pregnant.

her current fear was ending up like her friend ivy— pregnant

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ivy greenfield ; ya muva.

the sound of shuffling could be lightly heard from the phone, ivy unraveling herself from the pile of blankets that were shielding her from her parents prying eyes.

"see I'm fat," ivy pouting as she showed tiana her slightly poking out stomach— it wasn't even that bad; if anything she looked a bit more bloated than pregnant.

"smh," smacking her lips in disappointment at the fact she'd actually expected to see a belly, there was nothing there— she literally looked the same.

"ivy you ain't been smoking or drinking have you?" questioning her best friend as she had to have lost it.

she was still very much a bone thug no belly, no hump, hell not even a little bump, you couldn't even tell she was pregnant for real.

exiting her condo her car parked right outside by the curb, glancing down at the phone as tiana's line fell silent.

"can you talk to your boss and get me another interview?" the girl abruptly speaking out catching tiana completely off guard.

tiana begrudgingly side eyeing the girl; as much as she loved ivy to death there was no way she was gonna allow herself to be disrespected and embarrassed like that, EVER again.

even though ivy walked out or caused scenes at the previous job interviews tiana had gotten her, this time was different— she was at rock bottom.

ivy was desperate to scrape up another $600, after blowing it all on materialistic items that didn't last her a full day she'd realized the life time commitment she'd have to make to the child.

comparing the life time commitment that came with having a child to a city girl getting played— something that's never happened to her.

she was desperate to get rid of the fetus not only was it ruining her social life but her physical and mental well being too.

everything about the baby was killing her, and she didn't even know the baby yet.

did she really have to carry this thing for 9 months?

did she really have to carry this thing for 9 months?

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