Chapter 1: A New Life

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- Mery's pov-

Snow and rain.... That's almost all I remembered before I arrived into town... I felt the cold harsh wind blow against me with each step. Then I saw two bright lights and heard a loud horn, then... all I felt pain.. pain that I hadn't felt in years.. then I felt like I was floating before I fell onto what felt like cobblestone as if I had tripped. I heard two voices, I could hear the worry and panic in their voices but I barely could make up the words that they were saying to each other. I went unconscious for a little while , and when I gain some consciousness, I saw that I was being rushed into some kind of hospital, everyone there looked.. animalistic. I then went unconscious again and when I woke up I felt that something was off...

- No one's Pov-

Mery was laying in a hospital bed, wrapped in bandages. A anthropomorphic fox and bear were waiting beside her bedside with worried expressions. Miss Rose and Igor walked to them, Rose was holding some papers in her hands.

Miss Rose: Hello, Gregg, Angus, I have good news. The doctor said that the surgery will help her make a full recovery. And I got the adoption papers ya wanted.

Igor: ( to Gregg and Angus: ) You both sure about adopting girl? You only met girl a few minutes ago.

Gregg: Yes. She needs a home, Igor. Plus even though we only met her for a little while.. we felt attached to her.

Igor: . . . Alright, but if she tells you about anything about her old parents outside town.

Miss Rose: Call me and I'll make sure that girl will get some justice. The poor thing..

Miss Rose handed Gregg and Angus the papers and the two quickly started filling out the papers. Igor then saw something around Mery's neck. Igor gently took the object off her neck, to reveal that it was a locket with a family crest of a cobra.

Miss Rose: Is everything alright, Igor?

Igor shows the locket to Miss Rose, Gregg and Angus.

Igor: I believe I can track the location of girl's old parents with the scent on locket. It okay if I take?

Angus: It's okay, I want her to have a full new start at life without those monsters haunting her. ( He said while glaring at the locket )

Igor gave Angus a understanding nod as he gripped the locket slightly.

Miss Rose: Don't worry, Igor will get rid of the locket shortly after we deal with the girl's ex parents.

( A few weeks later )

Mery was outside walking with her new Dads, as they had just finished enrolling her to SouthClaw High.

Gregg: ( To Angus, flirting: ) Take me to Art museums and make out with me.

Angus: ( To Gregg, flirting back: ) But they said not to touch the " Masterpieces "

Gregg: ( To Angus: ) Well, someone's gotta pin the artwork to the wall.~

Mery chuckled at her Dads' flirting.

( The next day, at an Art museum )

Mery was looking at a some artwork as a tall female Anthropomorphic wolf in a suit was walking passed by her with a walkie talkie in her hand.

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