Part eight: Game cleared

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It has been some time since the downfall of the Beach. Arisu and Itsuki have been hiding in a tent for a while now, Itsuki turned into a shell of a human, he barely smiled and he was always tired. Arisu didn't know what to do with the other man, he had felt the exact same when Karube and Chota died, but he knew that at this rate Itsuki would die from starvation and insomnia before the borderland games could take the man. He sighed, staring at the sky full of stars, he was sitting outside of their tent, contemplating what to do.

Ever since Mira made her speech about the face cards not much happened. They all got two weeks on their visa and there hadn't been any movement from the game masters since, it became sort of suspicious at this rate. He turned to the purple tent behind him, in which Itsuki was feeling extremely sorry for himself, and he looked at the blue tent next to them. Tatta had joined their departing from the Beach, Arisu had no clue where Usagi went off to. Arisu turned to the purple tent and zipped it open. "Itsuki, you need to eat," he commanded sternly.

He just got a deep sigh back, but Arisu knew this couldn't go on like this any longer. He reached into the tent, grabbed Itsuki by his legs and dragged him out. Itsuki was loudly complaining but Arisu didn't give in. Tatta peeked his head through the opening of his tent, wondering what that sound was. He came outside too, taking Itsuki's arms. Arisu silently thanked him with a nod and they got Itsuki outside. When they let go Itsuki wanted to crawl back into the tent but he was quickly stopped by the other men. He sighed and just gave in, pouting.

Arisu sighed, shaking a hand through his hair, "Itsuki I know you're sad, but this is not healthy." Itsuki just stared angrily, not answering. Arisu took some food out of his backpack and shoved it into Itsuki's chest. "Eat," Arisu stated, once again. Itsuki grumbled a bit before complying and taking the food out of the man's hand. Suddenly they heard the sound of an engine. Arisu, Tatta and Itsuki looked around them, before looking up. There were blimps flying in from all over the place, bearing face cards.

Itsuki took a bite of his bread, a shocked expression on his face. Tatta turned to Arisu, "We better play, our visas end soon," Arisu agreed silently, but before he could say anything there came a blimp rushing in above their heads, bearing the king of spades face card. The group quickly packed up their stuff, pushing it into their backpacks hastily. They ran into the city and saw a huge group of people in the streets, all looking around curiously. Suddenly there sounded a huge bang, the sound rang in their ears, and gunfire came. People fell down left and right.

Tatta, Arisu and Itsuki quickly hid behind a car, "What the fuck is that?" Itsuki asked bewildered. Arisu peeked around the car they were hiding behind and saw a man wearing a hood. "It's a single person, but he has a machine gun, we gotta run," Arisu stated. He grabbed Itsuki's hand and Tatta's arm. They sprinted into alleyways and streets, rounding corners and climbing over the rubble. "I think we're safe now," Tatta heaved. They were hidden in an alleyway. "We should plan this out, let's pick the easiest card first," Tatta panted.

Arisu nodded and said: "Let's do the king of clubs first," he ran a hand through his long hair. Itsuki leaned his head on Arisu's shoulder, not saying a word. They slept in the alley that night, and the next morning they tried to find their way to the king of clubs card, which proved to be quite difficult, they had to hide way too many times to even count. They didn't want to end up like one of the lifeless bodies on the ground. They kept moving towards the king of clubs game, however difficult it was. After a few hours, they arrived in front of a gate, to what seemed like a shipping container yard. They walked in and were greeted by a team of five, the leader of which was completely naked.

Arisu quickly looked away and scraped his throat, "How do we have to play," the king chuckled and said arrogantly, "You can look sweetheart, and to answer your question: you need five players to play our game." Arisu sighed, cursing, they had come all this way for nothing, he was about to tell his group to turn back when they heard a familiar voice from behind them, It was Niragi. Arisu whipped his head back, he must be imagining it, Niragi was dead. But when he did turn around he looked straight into the eyes of Niragi, who was leaning on the gate, smirking. Before Niragi could open his mouth to say something smug he was interrupted by a sobbing Itsuki, who hugged him tightly before smacking the other man in the face, hard. 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 26, 2023 ⏰

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