Part four: Lost

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When Itsuki woke up again, Niragi had already gone. He looked at Arisu's shirtless chest and thought back about the night they all had together. Suddenly Arisu mumbled something and hugged Itsuki from behind, Itsuki sighed in contentment and pat the older's head. He felt a bit hungover, and suddenly all memories flooded back to him, how he walked into an executive meeting, how he refused to listen to his boyfriend and heavily disrespected him and how he had sex with both Niragi and Arisu. Itsuki bit his lip and decided to do something for Niragi to show he was sorry for how he behaved yesterday. He wiggled out of Arisu's arms and Arisu mumbled something about aliens before opening his eyes.

"Where are you going?" He asked groggily. Itsuki smiled and said, "I have to run some errands, you can just continue to sleep, cutie!" Arisu mumbled something in response. Itsuki's eyes fell on the plastic bag Niragi had brought with him yesterday. He looked into it and saw his favourite drink and candy. That was probably why he was gone so long yesterday. Itsuki suddenly felt really ungrateful, he put the drinks in their fridge, threw on a sweater and some shorts, pat Arisu's hair, kissed his forehead and then he left the room.

Itsuki decided to go to the city and look for a gift for Niragi. He asked a random boy to drive him to the city and the man complied. When Itsuki arrived in the city he whistled a cheery tune and looked around the shops. He didn't see anything interesting until he spotted a little arts and crafts store. He walked inside and saw lots of paint, yarn, and other supplies. He picked out a few colours of yarn, some crochet hooks, some stuffing, and some tapestry needles. Itsuki really loved to crochet so maybe he could make something fun for his boyfriend.

He skipped around the town for a bit longer before seeing a kitten. "Oh. My. God, hi little baby." He cooed .He walked over to the cat. Itsuki crouched down and the cat immediately came over for pets. "You're so cute!" He said excitedly. He noticed the cat was shivering, which was not really surprising because it was a Devon Rex, and he put the cute kitten in his sweater pocket to warm them up. Technically the Beach didn't have a rule about pets, so he guessed it was probably alright. He gave the cat a few more pets, before noticing a watch shop. He walked inside a spotted three copies of the same old model watch, which still worked because they were analog and it functioned on battery. He put the watches in his bag and started making his way back in the direction of the Beach. He didn't really think transport back through so he would probably walk.

Niragi sighed annoyedly and walked into his room, he could not wait to cuddle with Itsuki and be with his adorable boyfriend after the shits-show he just had to endure. But his boyfriend was not in their room, only their fuck buddy was present. "Where is Itsuki?" Niragi demanded, Arisu mumbled something but it was almost inaudible. "Speak up, I can't hear shit of what you're saying." Arisu turned towards him and said: "He said he went to run some errands." Niragi's eyes widened, "And you let him go... alone?" Arisu nodded and said: "Yeah, he's smart he'll be fine, besides maybe he's just inside the hotel." Niragi's eyes narrowed and he massaged his nose bridge before turning to Arisu and saying in a voice laced with venom: "You're an absolutely useless little bitch, he could get hurt." Arisu yawned and stretched before shrugging and stating: "I'll help you look then."

Arisu pulled himself up and wanted to walk out of the door, but before he could do so Niragi smirked and said: "You sure you wanna walk out like that?" Arisu looked down and saw he was completely naked (kyuma moment), he blushed and quickly covered himself up. "Nothing I haven't seen before," Niragi said with a cocky smile. Arisu huffed in disbelief; "Just because we fucked doesn't mean we're besties." Niragi grinned at the man, "Tomato, tomahto," and stared at the other for a few seconds before continuing, "You have to wear a swimsuit,"  he led Arisu to his closet. The only swimsuit in it was a bright pink speedo. "Why do you even have this?" Arisu groaned.

Niragi x Arisu x Male own character | Alice in Borderland fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now