Part six: chaos ensues

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Usagi and Arisu looked up at the voice of the person walking towards them, "Trouble in paradise, girls?" The white-haired man said. "Nice to see you again, tag game, remember? The name's Chishiya, yours is Arisu right?" He paused for a few seconds, thinking,  before continuing, "Last time I saw you, you had a bag over your head." He stated before turning to Arisu whose eyes lit up in recognition. Suddenly there were arms around Arisu's neck, leaning on his shoulders. "What do you want, little shit," Niragi mocked. Chishiya looked Arisu up and down, "Never would've thought you would become Niragi's bitch," he laughed.

"Shiya that's not nice," Itsuki sounded, for a split second there was a glint of insanity in his brown eyes. "Aw man, you got bitches!" Chishiya mocked, and out of nowhere Kuina appeared, "This is Kuina," he stated to Usagi and Arisu. Usagi looked her up and down, stopping for a second at Kuina's boobs, Usagi looked away flustered. Kuina just gave her a side-eye before waving sarcastically to the group, silently chewing on the rubber cigarette deep in thought about god knows what.

Niragi did not like Chishiya, he was too smart for his liking and way too arrogant. He wanted him nowhere near his boyfriend...s? He thought about it for a second before pushing himself away from the thought, that was not the point here, he could think about that later. He gave Chishiya a fierce stare, he was still mad that Itsuki had a special nickname for him too, why him? Niragi looked Chishiya up and down as subtly as he could, the man wasn't even that attractive, at least in his opinion.

Chishiya raised his eyebrows at Niragi, who really thought he was being subtle. "Are you checking me out?" He scoffed. But before Niragi could rage he got shushed by Itsuki, to his great displeasure. "What do you want from us Shiya," he gave the other man a forced smile, he didn't really want to have to pull apart a fight today. "I am here for the girl actually, need to show her something," he said nonchalantly. Usagi turned to stare at him, "What makes you think I'm stupid enough to follow you," she stated.

"Right... climber, I can guarantee you would like to see this, some inside-outs you know," he whispered to her, quite loudly actually, which caused a series of raised eyebrows and dumbfounded gazes at Chishiya's subtleness, or better said his lack thereof. "You know we could all hear that right, dumb fuck." Niragi cursed laughing. He did not like this ordeal one bit, Chishiya probably had a complex plan behind this conversation even, and sketchy ulterior motives. He didn't give a fuck about the girl though, and let Chishiya do his whole manipulation game with her.

"Just want to welcome the newcomer," he shrugged, his hands hidden in the pockets of his hoodie, "My name is Usagi," Usagi cried out angrily. Kuina gave her a judging stare and she looked at Chishiya, silently asking if she could walk away from this deadly boring conversation. Chishiya made a dismissive motion with his hand and Kuina threw a piece sign and walked away, Usagi followed her figure as she walked away. Oh man, she loved women. Chishiya snipped his fingers in front of her face, "Eyes up here," He said before putting his hand back in his pocket, Usagi blushed before looking away. "Anyways, are you gonna tag along?" Chishiya said, Usagi looked around awkwardly, Itsuki and Niragi stared at her with smug faces and Arisu looked highly uncomfortable.

"Sure..." She said, making Chishiya smile, this was probably the worst decision of her entire life, but she did not know that yet. When Chishiya and Usagi turned around to walk away, Niragi raised his finger like a gun and mimicked a shooting sound, making Itsuki smile. Arisu turned towards them, "Am I a bad person?" He asked, he left the woman who saved him from himself on her own and just ignored her existence. "Baby, we're all bad people here," Itsuki said, before sighing, "She'll come around, just give her some time," Arisu nodded before Itsuki said something interesting,

"Anyways, do you guys wanna get matching piercings?" He smiled and continued, "I saw a celebrity at the beach last night who is a very famous piercer, I used to follow them on insta," Arisu looked between Niragi and Itsuki, "I've never had anything pierced before," Itsuki gave him a gummy-smile, "There's a first time for everything right?" He pinched Niragi, who was deep in thought, "Huh yeah, what Suki said," Arisu looked between them and said: "What are you so deep in thought about, Ragi," Niragi cringed, "Don't call me that, only Suki can, and I was thinking should we pierce our dick," He laughed.

Niragi x Arisu x Male own character | Alice in Borderland fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now