Chapter 14: Wounds and Scars of Battles (War for Trost 8/9)

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Armin: How?

He grits his teeth and puts down the tanks.

Marco: Hey! Where are you going, Armin?!

Soldier: Commander Pyxis, reassessing the gate's defense is top priority now. May we proceed?

Pyxis: We can't.

Left-hand lady: Shall we have the elite squad to retreat?

Pyxis: No. '*thought*Knowing that man Vidar, he has a plan' Continue to lure the Titans to the corner of the town. As for the elite squad, I've granted full authority to its leader and Vidar. We proceed as planned. 

They have their heads down as they admitted that he's right. If they give up, the whole Wall Rose is done for.

Pyxis: They're more than just skilled. They're the best of the best , with the fate of humanity on their shoulders. Admitting defeat so easily is not an option. If we don't want our fallen comrades' deaths to be in vain, then we must struggle for as long as we live.

The elite squad starts to bicker as to whether they proceed to Vidar's plan or just retreat.

Mitabi: Hey! This is no time to hesitate! Make the call! Ian, it isn't your fault! This whole mission is a long shot to begin with. We all understand about it! It was a worth of shot, and we did the best we could!

They can hear the sword bits flying around to protect the elite squads area, while Y/n is listening to them.

Mitabi: So our teams are going back up the wall now!

Mitabi is just gonna go to the cowards exits, MIkasa is pissed at this point and she's about to kill MItabi when Ian stops her.

Ian: Wait! Calm down, Ackerman. Rico team, take out the 12- 14 meter ones to the rear. Mitabi team and my team will deal with the rest!

Rico: *furious* What?! Are you nuts?!

Ian: We were the ones who put in charge! So do as you're ordered!

Y/n: He's right. We can't just leave him defenseless. Besides the back-up plan is already on the way.

Rico is taken aback of this.

Ian: *nods* Change of plans! We're to defend Jaeger from the other Titans until the back up plan he's talking about has arrived! He holds the most precious chance for humanity. We can't just abandon him just like that, or else Vidar will be pissed at us; even he holds the very chance for our comeback! Because unlike us, those two can't be replaced. 

Rico: Hundreds of people  have died in this mission alone for that failure of a human weapon! Now you wish for us to repeat all that, just to ensure his survival?!

Ian: *roared* Yes, Rico Brzenska!

Rico just step back in shock. 

Ian: No matter how many of us die, we must never stop trying! Even if it costs our lives!

Atop the walls

Jean fall back after he lured the Titans he just aggro'd to the walls and meet up with Jean. 

Jean: The heck's up with the red flare? What happened?

Marco: I don't know, but Armin's gone to see it. But... I think it'll be alright.

Jean: Oh yeah?

Marco: Of course! I mean... This is Eren we're talking about.

Jean: Yeah, right.

Connie: I don't want to be that guy, but this whole thing feels kinda pointless.

Jean: Well, when's the last time a fight against the Titans didn't feel like that, huh? The best thing now?

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