Resting and Note

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Hi guys! Dasu/Nocturne here.

I've noticed that I've been focusing more onto the OPHANIM SIN art projects. So I'll be skipping the project for a while, and continue working more onto the Potatas.

But first, I will be resting for.. maybe one, or two days. Since I need some time to rest of course!

I'll probably make a new server.. I'll update yall when I'm done, or have made the new server. I wanna make a new server at the same time  since I'm just kinda uncomfortable with the server that's still currently opened, and I lost the account holder's access.

But for now, I'll rest. :^)
See you at Tuesday or Wednesday, folks!

 :^)See you at Tuesday or Wednesday, folks!

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hehe. sneak peaks in art. kehehe.

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