LONG DU note, and Cult Family note.

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Hi little critter friends! I don't think I'll be able to upload contents one by one this month, I'm working up on like.. I guess 2 animations? Or 3. I don't know. But yeah, and I'm also working up on a chibi post banner for the Cult Family chibi.

I wont be having multiple channels to separate the Cult Family and Days Union chibi series/videos. But, I will make a playlist for it.

I think I might release Days Union chibi videos at.. November 17. Or at December, not quite sure. 

Days Potata and Reader book will be updated soon, probably tomorrow, or next week. I'm thinking of more chapter ideas.

Poetry book, has 3 poetry under in progress. Still working up on some paragraphs.

Myths, Urban Legends, Horror Stories book might be renamed, and might be worked up soon at December, or at January 2023.

Days Union comics might be updated soon, or at December. Or maybe at January 2023, being updated at the same time with the Horror book.

! - (Unpublished) Diary book might be released soon, probably next year.. or maybe will never publish it.. but if I do publish it, maybe you guys might know some little secret of mines? Like a crush? A felony I committed? Maybe... just kidding! I don't have a crush. I'd rather stay single in my young ages.

! - (Unpublished) Poems that I like book might be published soon to share my favorite poems..

! - (Unpublished) My Nature Studies might be published someday..

! - (Unpublished) Health Studies book might be released someday too.

I will still keep up on making chibi pockets for yall. You guys can comment on this chapter, or on my profile's conversations/comments.

The cult family members that I will turn into a chibi soon will be..

Nick Cult (he already has a chibi version, but it will be revamped.)

Jack Cult (Already has a chibi version, but I might also revamp it.)

Emmett Cult 

Joshua Cult

Merle Cult

Bobby Cult

Will Cult

and David Cult.

Merle Cult kinnies scares me

anyways,  I'm making a chapter for Loch_Potata. Since it seems like Loch_Potata wins.
(discord votes also included in the poll on which chibi wins)

6 for Loca Potat

5 for Grit Potat

3 for Zimin Poteta

2 for horre potate 

Loch potata's chapter is named "Dreaming". I'm still working up on the chapter. Some of the chapters in the DU potata's + Reader book might be updated, because I might add pictures/paintings of the chibi potatas in some of the chapters.

Yangliu_Potata will be published soon, when Xiomara_Potata, or Brutus_Potata is done being worked up on, and also (???)_Potata, and (???)_Potata.


I won't say the other chibis, Its for the better! 

I might make Brutus instead of Xiomara into a chibi first, since, Xiomara's outfit might be to difficult to draw when turning her into a chibi. It took me almost an hour to draw Great_Day into a chibi potato because of his gold designs, I think for about.. 49 minutes? Not sure. In IbisPaintX, it says it took me 44 seconds to draw Great_Potata. But in reality.. I just kept on pressing the re-do button thingy because I kept struggling on the squiggly gold designs 😭

For the Cult Family.. they're the ones who will have a chibi potata banner drawing.

I'll  make a banner drawing for the Days Union potata chibis when I'm done with the chibi's that I'm working up on, and also on the Cult family members and banner drawing too.

I wont be making chapter updates if a new chibi pocket has been made.. but, I will try to make new chibi pockets every week in my Roblox Group. I'm thinking of renaming the group name, but I don't know what to name it as. The group was supposed to be a clothing group, but me and the besties decided to wait for 2022-2023 school year to end, and then to practice on making clothes for the clothing group. But I think I might make another group for that, well if we decided if we will continue the clothing group. We probably might not Lol

Though, I'll be busy chilling, studying subjects that I like (as in like, idk, advance reading), playing games, and learning guitar. So I can have a electric stratocaster guitar soon!

I'll also learn other stuffs, and trying to get better in social skills, because eventually, I'm in the arts club at school. And we don't only do arts, we do other stuffs too. We will be making stories for 1st graders (which I really love!) , and helping others to find, or be confident about their other talents. Well, hidden talents ehe. And other more stuffs that we have to do in arts club, and I wanna be good at talking to people sincceee.. in person, I get anxious talking to someone. Unless if they're a close friend, friend, best friend, and best best friend :^)

I also think I wont be active a lot on the Zensikyuno account, well, I WILL only stay online there. And play some lil' bit of games. But I'll mostly play in my main account (ElizabethAurum).

anyways, that's all! I wanted to say more, but I think its for the better to not make this chapter more longer. Have a wonderful day critters!

I'm really scared of Merle Cult kinnies/stans..

Days union, Cult Fam, and Random stuffs 3Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ