oil paint

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I'm painting with oil paint! Since, I'VE ALWAYSSS WANTED OIL PAINT!!

my mom bought me a 14 x 18 canvas... which is tooooo big for the exhibit!

apparently, I'm in the arts club in my school. I wanted to be a representative for arts club arts exhibit, since its almost intramurals and our club decided to have a art club exhibit booth! Where representative painters (which includes me kehehe) will make a optical illusion art, with hidden objects in the art! ^^

today's the deadline of the submission. (12:04AM, Thursday) before the friday break for getting ready for intramurals!

here's.. a cloud that I painted :^D

 a cloud that I painted :^D

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I messed up a little.. but I'm sure I can cover the little mistakes! 

Don't worry about me too, I'm also taking little breaks from making the art. :^)

I'm watching winx club while doing a art for the art exhibit 🤯🤯🤯

I'm planning to make a poem for my art too!

I'll probably stay up, allll night and go to school without even sleeping!

I mean, we have NOTHING to do in school, all we need to do there is just practice.. do stuffs for the intramurals...

no classes too! Our hometime is at 11:30AM.

I can handle that without sleeping!

The intramurals in our school is SPECIAL!! It's not because its just "intramurals" for students to have fun and have no classes and do some booth activities to do there in school and to just perform a dance choreography and other stuffs.. its because our school is having a BIG development!.. sort of big development. Since the school is changing its name, and probably repainting some places of the school, and might have some big changes too!

I still prefer the old school. Sinceee.. eh, the way they repainted the basketball court, they changed the designs to.. a very plain design.

anyways, I gotta go watch winx club, AND do my art now! See ya guys!!!


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