Chapter 6 - Everything is Going to Be Fine

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Author's Note: Another chapter, yay!! In this chapter, Ye-jin realizes something and finally gets her bearings back.

Ye-jin was confused. When he held her hand earlier this evening, she had felt so many things. Yet, when he said those words, she felt almost nothing. Years ago, hearing those words from Bin would probably make her melt into a puddle. But now, those words did not affect her as much as she thought it would.

Which was weird.

While she was not sure what she was feeling for Bin at the moment, at the very least, she knows that she is doing this because Bin was someone who will always be special to her. Despite spending the past week thinking, she knew deep inside that her answer was always going to be yes. She was ready to marry him, no matter the consequences. And when her traitorous heart started beating wildly whenever he was near her or whenever he would initiate physical contact, she had resigned herself to the fact that this was about to turn her world upside down. And she was ready for the ride.

And so, when he had told her that he trusts her and even trusts her with his life, something that he had never communicated to her before, she expected to feel something. Maybe fireworks going off in her head? A million butterflies in her stomach? She doesn't know what she expected to feel but definitely not nothing.

His words did not throw her world off kilter, and she's strangely happy and proud about that. Maybe she can handle this after all, get out of this without getting hurt and even get something very valuable in return?

With that thought, she smiled her first genuine smile of the night. She also felt like herself for the first time in the past week. It seemed like a little bit of the burden she did not know she was even carrying was taken off her shoulders.

She does not know how long she has been silent after Bin spoke but she guesses that it's been quite a while, judging by the relief that filled his eyes when he saw her smile.

"I know now what our dads are getting from this arrangement," she started as she finally removed her hand from Bin's hold.

She has realized that everything he has said so far was about what their dads can get from this arrangement. She was initially not going to pursue this conversation because she thought that it would only cause her unnecessary pain, but because she was feeling more herself right now, she went in for the kill, "What are you getting out of this? And more importantly, what am I getting out of this?" she finished off with a smirk.

She expected Bin to be at least a little bit shocked by her response to his heartfelt confession. Can she even call it that? It's more like his fake and deceptive confession. She was sure that he only said that to make her agree. So when he smiled at her response, she found it weird.

This night is so weird, ugh, she said out loud in her head. As she thought that, her body unconsciously mirrored what she was feeling. Her eyes turned into slits, her nose scrunched, and her mouth formed into a thin line (which made her look like an angry but adorable bunny, but she doesn't know that). And that made Bin's smile even wider. At that point, she could not help it anymore.

"Why are you smiling?"

"Nothing." He said, the smile never leaving his face. Her eyes narrowed even more at that, if that was even possible.

"Tell me." She said with a slight pout and while pulling a little at the sleeves of the suit he was wearing.

"It's really nothing, I swear." He said while even putting his right hand up.

"Whatever." She can't believe his audacity. How can he laugh at her? Hmph.

"Just answer my question. What am I getting out of this?"

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