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"You're joking."I say looking at Hana with wide eyes. She just smiles at me before turning to Klay. A look flashes through her eyes but I fail to pinpoint what it meant.

"Me and Klay already planned it. We invited all our friends and they were so excited. we can't cancel now."she says looking at me with pleading eyes.

I look to Klay for help but he seems lost somewhere far in his mind. I sigh."Fine. I guess."

Hana jumps excitedly before she starts blabbing about everything." We'll be going to Jack's place. That's where it's gonna be held. You're gonna love it I promise."

She turns leaving the room quickly and shortly after Klay leaves too saying something about last minute preparations.

I groan and head for my room to get ready for a party that was in 2 hours. How nice.


Klay's pov


I stood at the door welcoming the guests. I couldn't believe I had agreed with Hana on this. I hadn't planned on this party but apparently she had been planning it for a while now and to avoid any more weird fights with her I agreed to help. It was for Rian anyway so I didn't mind helping out.

I smiled at the guests that walked in and soon after Jack and Molly came down, heading my way. They wore matching outfits and we're laughing their heads off.This made me smile at my friends. They made a good couple.

"Yooo Klay.''Jack says, patting my back."So, I'm finally going to meet the pretty lady."he says almost too joyfully referring to Rian. I roll my eyes at him and ignore his statement.

Molly smacks him upside his head and he rubs it yelling out."I'll make sure he behaves."she says, dragging him away as she scolds him. I chuckled at that.

I left my post at the door to one of the butlers Hana hired for the night, walking up to the drinks before picking up a glass of wine. I took a sip and almost choked on it once my eyes landed on her.

She had a smile on her lips. Her face was done with light makeup. Her outfit was a blue gown littered with glitter. It hugged her curves in all the right places. She wore a pair of flats on her feet that matched with her makeup and jewelry. The baby bump did nothing but make her look even better. She had a hand pressed against it as her smile grew bigger and bigger as she talked with Tess and Hana.

I smiled but the smile was wiped off my face once I made eye contact with Hana. She had an angry look on her face and I just rolled my eyes at this. I wasn't gonna let Hana ruin this night with any more of her bullshit. She could stay angry for all I care.

Soon after Jack and Molly joined me right before the other three headed our way. I smiled at them and started introductions.

"Well Jack, Molly this is Rian."I say, gesturing towards her. And introducing Tess as well. They shook hands and exchanged greetings amongst themselves.

"Well she really is beautiful."Jack says out of the blue before swinging a hand over my shoulders"This idiot doesn't shut up about you."he adds smiling widely at me. I glare at him and Molly saves the day by dragging him away by his ear excusing themselves.

Tess and Hana exchange a look before Hana walks away, Tess following quickly after her.

Rian settles beside me. She has a sly smile on her face and before she can start with the teasing about what Jack said I make some dumb excuse about having to greet guests walking away but not before she laughs at my attempt to avoid conversation.

Hours later Rian stood with Hana as she watched the big white balloon that was in front of her. I couldn't hear what they were saying but she looked somewhat surprised. Hana had said it was something about a gender reveal and how she had seen it on the internet and wanted Rian to give it a shit even if Andrew wasn't here or some shit like that.

Minutes later we were being ushered to gather around them. Rian had a bright smile on her face as she drew her hand back and poked the balloon. It burst and blue smoke filled the air as people cheered.

People clapped at the revelation that she would be having a boy. I watched her smile get brighter at that and this caused me to smile too.

"You should ask her for a dance." Molly says, grabbing the glass of wine I held in my hands out of my grasp.

"What? No." I say, trying to reach for it. She places a hand to my chest giving me a stern look.

"Why not? Your eyes haven't left her since they arrived. I see how you look at her Klay and don't try to deny it."

I couldn't deny anything she just said. She was right about that. Me and Rian kept shooting quick glances at each other since I dodged our earlier conversation. I hadn't realized I was making it so obvious that I was enthralled by her.

"Go ask her to dance with you Klay or you'll end up regretting it." She says walking away without another word. Maybe it wasn't such a bad idea I guess. I sigh and make my way to Rian.

The music changes and a song I wasn't familiar with starts playing. I smile at her and offer my hand to her."Shall we?"

She smiles, biting her lip before accepting my offer. We walk to dance amongst the rest. In our own little corner of Jack's backyard.

She placed her hands on my shoulders and I held her closely and then we swayed along with the music.

"I'm having a baby boy Klay."she whispered happily. I could see the joy in her eyes.

I smiled at her and replied."Yes you are. I told you."I paused drawing her closer to me." Everything is going to be just fine."

She chuckles and I place my forehead against hers. Relishing the feeling of having her close to me. Without even realizing what I was doing I placed a gentle kiss on her forehead before hugging her tightly, continuing our slow dance.

She doesn't say anything but just hugs me tighter as well and I could just feel the happiness she felt oozing out of her and that made me happy.

I could feel them looking at us but I ignored them, I shut my eyes and enjoyed the moment. Hana and Tess could go fuck themselves for all I care because right now I was happy and Rian was happy as well and nothing else mattered.

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