Chapter 4: The Man. The Myth. The Major.

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Jasper's POV –

I've been in love with Isabella Swan since the moment our eyes met in the cafeteria at Forks High.

Back then, I was too stupid to see what was right in front of my face. Too gullible. Too trusting of those I considered my family.

I'm the fuckin' Major! The God of War. How could I be so damn blind?

The whole Coven insisted she was Edward's mate, even Rosalie and Emmett were buyin' the shit those two mind fuckers were spewin'!

Turns out, it was all just another lie.

She wasn't his.

Never has been.

Never will be.

I wish I had known back then, what I know now. I could've saved my mate a lot of pain and heartbreak. We wouldn't have lost seventeen fuckin' years! I could've been there for the birth of Lottie and Jas. Watched as they grew into beautiful little ladies.

Back when we were in Forks, I was never allowed near Belle. It was safe for the others. They had perfect control. They would never slip and take an innocent life.


The only time I was allowed near Belle was those few days in Phoenix. Even then, Alice refused to leave us alone in case I slipped and killed Eddie's mate.

Fuckin' bitch just didn't want me to see the goddamn truth!

But why? Why keep us separated? Why break our laws only to leave Belle alone and devastated in the end?

Was that it, to play with a human out of boredom? To keep a pet? Sadly, until the Volturi revealed our existence to the world, that wasn't unusual. Though, it's never been somethin' the Cullens have done. I can't see Carlisle standin' for it. Not with his mantra of 'all human lives matter'.

But, if that was the case, why would they keep a True Mate pair separated? They had to have known, right?

Or did they?

Maybe Alice didn't see . . . no, I don't believe that fer a second. That manipulative bitch knew. She had to. I'm sure she sees more than any of us realize.

But why keep us apart? Why not tell me Belle is my mate? If this was about keeping a pet . . .


Not a pet.

I've seen human pets. It ain't a pretty sight. Belle was treated like one of the family.

Like . . . a daughter. A sister. A future wi . . . Edward's future wife. But Edward never had any intention of turning Belle. It was right there in his emotions!

Damnit! Why didn't I look deeper?

Bella wasn't his girlfriend.

She wasn't his love.

Her feelings for him were a thousand times stronger than his for her.

Except for one. His lust.

Not sexual lust. There was none of that. I don't think I've ever felt sexual lust from Edward. Not once in all the years I've known him.

But hunger, bloodlust, desire, jealousy, greed, and possessiveness; these things I have felt from him. All aimed at the little human on his arm.

For fuck sake!

Bella is Edward's singer!

Of course, now it made sense.

She ain't a pet. She's a fuckin' singer!

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