Winter Nectarines

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Halfway down the path, the packhouse comes Into view. It's so different from the one I grew up In—a communual hall rather than a home for ranked Wolves. For the first time In a while, I'm reminded that I prefer It the Promethean way.


I tug my coat tighter to my body as I finally spot Alexei. Even after all these years, I can never hear him sneak up on me.

He's dressed In the furs I hunted with his mother last winter—his hands are dressed In the gloves I bought him. But It's the way he looks at me that makes my frostbitten face turn redder than It already Is.

"Let's get out of the cold," He joins my side, only to bump me In the direction of our cottage. I had been planning to thaw out In the packhouse, but he's Insistent. Rightfully so, since I haven't been home In several days.

When we reach the door, I fish my keys out and unlock the door before he can. He only chuckles.

"Good to know that you haven't lost your key."

"Don't be ridiculous," I have to throw my weight against the door to open It. It seems that he hasn't been home either If the door froze over like that. "I'm not going to leave my stuff alone with you."

I haven't taken more than a step Inside when I'm struck by the smell. It's a pleasant...warming scent—both his and mine mixed together. Minty and we live In a year-round Yuletide.

The counters have been dusted, and the carpets have been freshly washed. I walk over to the fridge and find It restocked with milk, eggs, and meat.

"Where did you find the nectarines?" I pull one out and take a bite In It. Sure enough, It's as juicy and as sweet as I remember. I shut my eyes and chew on the spongey skin. "I would have come home earlier If I had known—"

"No, you wouldn't have," He's behind me again. I don't move as he wraps his arms around my hips and draws me In. His lips mold around the nectarine when I raise It up to him. "Hm...they're good."

"They're my favorite," I can't look away from the juice that he licks from his lips. He takes another bite and I can only Imagine what his lips must taste like.

He's barely swallowed when I drop the fruit and twist my body around. Alexei doesn't do anything as I shove him against the kitchen counter and slip my tongue between his lips.

So fucking sweet.

I tilt my head up and practically climb up his chest just to get a better taste. His hands clutch onto my shoulders like they're handles to steady himself on.

My favorite...they're good.

I want to shed him free of his coat, and he stiffens. His heart Is beating so fast—his breath Isn't steady anymore. I suck and chew on his lip like It's the last nectarine on this planet.

But even as I feel his hardened self press against my belly, he pulls away and breathes, "You taste and smell like someone else, Tania. Go for a shower."

I only smirk. He frowns and picks up his coat, and mine as I drop It on the floor.


It isn't a particularly bitter night. Nothing like yesterday night after I came home from Donavan's. But still, I find myself unable to sleep as the branches of the trees outside scrape against my window. The snow is falling so heavily that I can barely make out the trees anymore. Tomorrow will be spent clearing a path to the packhouse and then checking on all the families of Wolves that need help.

But that's tomorrow...and tonight I don't want to think about anything. I just want to sleep. And I usually can sleep through this chill, but tonight it's bothering me like a dull ache in my bones.

I don't think too hard about it when I finally move. I sit up and press my feet into the cold, icy tiles. The wooden floorboards in the hallway crackle as I make my way down to Alexei's bedroom.

He stirs the moment I enter, "Is everything alright?"

I don't dare speak. Instead, I swallow hard and shuffle towards his bed. I don't ask permission—I shouldn't have to—and pull back the covers. Alexei doesn't move an inch until I fold myself against his side. And then he tucks the blankets around me and him, and wraps his arm around me.

"Are you cold?" He whispers quietly.

"No," I respond and catch his eye. He smiles softly and I clear my throat, "Just sleeping together."

"Just sleeping together," he agrees, even though I can feel his hard length press agains my hip with persistence. He sighs deeply as he rest his nose on my pillow, "Get some sleep. We'll need it."

I shut my eyes and tuck my hands into my chest. It's easy to share his space. I feel comfortable hooking my legs around his, and sharing a pillow and mattress with him. For a moment, I shut my eyes and imagine that he and I are normal. A normal, mated pair that is just basking in one another's warmth.

With a deep, content sigh, I fall asleep pretending.

Wolf: Where The Moon Touches The Skyजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें