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They ended up deciding to just start watching movies then, and Noriko went to grab futons for everyone so that if people got sleepy they wouldn't have to stop the movie or do multiple trips, setting up two futons in the next room over for the girls. Kageyama immediately offered to help carry them out, followed by Hinata, much to his ire. Noriko, of course, refused to have guests help out, though Kageyama followed her and carried some anyways.

Once everyone's bed was set up, they all piled onto the couches under many blankets. Noriko noticed happily that Tanaka had managed to secure a spot next to Kiyoko. Surprisingly, when he was drunk, Tanaka didn't yell out more confessions, but just smiled dopily at her, the fondness in his eyes making Noriko smile. She herself was sitting between Tsukishima (unfortunately), and Kageyama (more fortunately).

The boys, much to her chagrin, had chosen a horror movie (Tanaka's choice in the hopes that Kiyoko would want him to comfort her). Though Kiyoko wasn't bothered, Noriko definitely was, as made obvious by her pinched expression and intent desire to not show her fear.

At one jump scare, she accidentally reached out and hit Tsukishima in the arm, squeaking in terror. The boy in question chuckled mockingly.

"Not so classy now, are you?"

"Asshole." Noriko glared at him darkly and scooted away towards Kageyama instead. Moving away from the jerk only meant she was now sitting directly next to her middle school friend, her leg pressed against his and plenty of space between herself and the blond.

"You're just proving my point more, party girl." Tsukishima mumbled. 

Noriko had to bite back a reply. Why, oh why, did she ever invite this guy to her house? The thought did not last long though, as the next jumpscare made her scream and grab onto Kageyama in terror. The boy had been sitting as straight as a rod since she'd moved closer and was only growing more tense and nervous now that she was holding onto him.

Noriko didn't notice, her terror was too prevalent to care that she was hanging off of her friend's arm—an arm she had, just a few days ago, been admiring. It was only when the movie ended that she realized their position and her own cheeks started heating up too. She pulled away abruptly, apologizing between awkward laughs. Tsukishima snorted at the exchange, earning himself a harsh glare.

The next movie was thankfully a comedy, since everyone decided one horror movie was enough, especially since Tanaka's plan didn't work.

Gradually, all the boys started to fall asleep, and even Kiyoko had gone to bed in the next room over. Observing the mess around her, grateful none of the boys would make a fuss about helping, Noriko started putting everything away and cleaning any leftover dishes. As she rinsed a glass, she put her sore wrist under the water relievedly, rotating it gently under the cool stream.

She hadn't really noticed how much it had started to hurt because of how much fun she'd been having, but the high muscle tension from playing Mario Kart had really made her stiff. Looking back into the room, Noriko looked at the team sadly, remembering when she'd once had two teams over for wins. In the past, it had always been because she had won, she had helped bring her team to victory, but now, she was just celebrating someone else's win. 

She averted her eyes painfully, and, unable to stop her feet, went to her bedroom and grabbed the volleyball that had been almost untouched since her accident. She brought it outside so she wouldn't bother the others and lay down on the grass, holding the ball above her face. After a moment's hesitation, she threw it up and started volleying it to herself. Her wrist ached the more she did it, but she couldn't stop herself. Though the pain made tears stream down her cheeks, her lips were stretched into a desperate smile, missing every moment of her previous life.

Genius (Kageyama Tobio)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt