Ashly: We appreciate you sharing your thoughts with us, and please know that our worries were unfounded. Your communication abilities are fine.

Lucia: She is correct, so let's show you our fresh appearance now that we are aware of what you think.

Ashly: Yeah let's do it.

Both of them got out of bed and took positions in front of it. A dark purplish magic circle appears in front of Ashly's palm as she raises her hand, and both of them are then enveloped in the same dark purplish light. Once the light is gone, they appear differently.



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Natsu: I'm speechless, but my darling, you two look just gorgeous

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Natsu: I'm speechless, but my darling, you two look just gorgeous.

Ashly: I wanted to wear something dark, but I couldn't make up my mind about black and purple, so I chose both. I currently have black hair with dark purplish ends. I didn't find being a blonde demon to be very intimidating.

Lucia: Yes, a blonde demon is hardly frightening, but you look much better now. I chose blue ends simply to add extra aesthetic to my hair.

Natsu: I'm glad you two are feeling more like yourselves since you both look amazing. Listen, girls, you don't have to force yourself to look or act like anyone else going forward; just be yourself.

Lucy: *brings a tray of food into the room.*He's correct, Just be yourself going forward; I don't want you to feel like you have to be someone you're not to be loved by our hubby. You don't have to act like me to be loved by him. We all understand how serious that is, I believe.

Ashly: We appreciate your understanding, Lucy, and we are relieved that we no longer have to pretend to be you because let's face it, you are much too uptight.

Lucia: for real.

They all share the breakfast that Lucy prepared for them. After eating, everyone gets dressed and prepares to depart for their final day in hell before moving on to the next nation.

Lucy, Ashly, Lucia, Natsu: 0.0

As soon as they leave the house, they see Gray, who is naked, walking Juvia after him while wearing a dog leash.

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