Cassie reread it a couple of times feeling the knots in her stomach return. She was surprised he had even put in the effort to try and find her. Maybe it was just so he could tell her how he didn't want her there anymore and what the plan would be for her leaving. Otherwise, she would be surprised if he would want to talk to her considering it was more on her to apologize to him for the next move. She wanted to, but every time she tried to form one in her head it came out sounding childish and stupid. Plus, she was pretty sure at this point that there was no way she would really be able to look him in the eyes.

She folded the note back up and left it on the desk where it had sat before. She was hungry again and she needed to eat before she could figure out her next move on how to get off this ship.

Enjoying the quietness of the ship, Cassie spent her time in the open atrium trying to formulate a plan of escaping. She kept running into blocks and as such would instead take a break drawing in her sketchbooks to pass the time. Every possible way to leave while the crew returned seemed to be futile because one way or another, someone would probably catch her and try and talk to her. Especially if Ash also wanted to talk to her now.

Cassie was in the mid sketch when suddenly, the doors began to unlock and open. She quickly gathered up her book and ducked behind the counter in the kitchen trying to keep still and quiet while her heart raced. She didn't know exactly what they were here for since she had lost contact, but she was surprised that they appeared to be back so early.

As soon as the door was completely down Cassie heard Doctor Beckett's voice say, "Jacobs, stay here and guard the door. Hobbs, help me get him to the medical lab."

There was some grunting and then she heard movement pass her and head towards the lab. She stayed where she was. On one hand this would be the perfect opportunity for her to try and get past the door since she was confident that she could get past one guy. On the other hand, she was concerned that someone had gotten hurt. Curiosity got the better of her though and she quietly moved towards the entrance of the kitchen and sneaked past the view of the door so as not to draw attention to herself.

Cassie sneaked down the hallway and reached the doorway to the lab pausing. The lab was set up with glass windows that allowed the outsiders to see into Beckett's office and whatever he happened to be working on. Past that, she could see into the infirmary. She moved towards the window, ducking just behind the bookcase leaning up against the glass and out of site at first. Then she peeked behind it to look through the window.

Beckett and Hobbs, an older but surprisingly spry and lean gentleman with grey and black hair, had just lowered the body they were carrying onto the bed. Cassie couldn't see anything but boots because both were blocking her view. However, because the door was open, she could hear their conversation.

"Do we have time to at least hook him up to monitors?" Beckett asked. "I think I could maybe set it up so maybe I could monitor it remotely-"

"I'm afraid not, Doc," Hobbs said in a husky voice. "We need to get back and we already know there is nothing we can do for him until we get that stupid orb for the bitch, and she is counting down the minutes until we return. We need to leave."

The men both turned and began to head out, Cassie ducking back behind the bookcase still listening as Beckett said, "Still there must be something we can... Oh Cassie!"

She turned to see Beckett looking at her in surprise through his glasses. Hobbs behind him also looked surprised. Cassie cleared her throat and said softly, "Doctor." She nodded to Hobbs but the two didn't say anything.

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