☆ taking my time to be

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[W/D] = Warm Drink (such as coffee, tea, hot chocolate, etc.) 
[...] = Your Name or a character's name of your desire. 


As you shuffled, the sun's gentle rays caressed your blanket as it shone through the curtains. You and your friend Jeff were having fun in 2011 together. New Jersey always seemed to welcome you with its crisp spring morning, and it was a quiet town where they had been. Its winter coat was shrunk just a few months ago.

As you mumbled, you raised yourself and looked around. The gentle gold-white light that shone down on your wrist was so inviting and reassuring to the touch.

rubbing your eyes and repeatedly closing them to get used to the calm environment of your apartment room. On your room's gray transition, the impressionist pastels sparkled.

It was a disaster. a complete mess.

makeup that had been slid off the sides or left open in a mess, and clothing that was scattered across the floor without a trace of its case. You hummed, your thoughts as void as a chip packet and with little to no recollection of the events of the previous night. How did you spend the night? You could only recall visiting Jeff and his buddies.

You were obviously terrified. What if a significant event had taken place? But the panic was unnecessary on such a warm morning, so you didn't want to think too much about it.

You could smell the pizza that was still on the counter as you entered the kitchen. Because there was nothing else you could eat and you didn't have any more cereal to eat, why not have leftovers for breakfast? You grabbed a slice and put a plate in the microwave to heat it up before reaching for a slice.

You turned on the television while you waited. Neither the news nor any other streaming line was currently occupied in the same way.

The weather reporter announced, "News reports of another set of heavy rain lifting around the coast of America, near South Carolina and North Dakota," but you were too focused on watching the pizza in the microwave. Watching the food spin around in circles was an essential part of your everyday microwave breakfasts. You didn't care if other people found it odd; it was sure to keep you occupied.

When you pressed the button, the microwave's beep and the door opened wide awakened you from your trance. It was potent, and the scent was unlike any other. You murmured as you picked up the slice as you took the plate with the pizza on it out. It was warm when I took a bite, but it still tasted good.

You turned your attention to the television, which had switched to a different general news report that didn't bother you as much. As you snacked on the pizza while leaning against the counter, you picked up the remote and skipped a few channels. The instant sound of a notification that came from your phone, which was charging on the opposite side of the counter, picked up your attention.

With a full mouth, you looked at it with your eyes. "If it's another one of those scammers, I'm going to..." Your face fell from its anger, the message was from Jeff.  "Would you like to come over?" As you put the pizza in your mouth and muffled a lot of your speech, you voiced your message.


Jeff  ﹥ Would you like to come over? we're at XXXXX.

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