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The air was cold. Almost icy. The two men were seated on the leather chairs, that made small noises each time they moved.

"So why are here?" The younger one asked. Taking a small cigarette pack, out of his suit pocket.

He lit the cigarette, creating a light smoke in the dark room.

"I'm here to talk to your father." The older one said. He leaned his back on the chair. He was little bit on the edge from the whole atmosphere in the room. He knew he shouldn't be making this decision. He knew it would bring trouble.

"My father's not here. Whatever you want to say, say it to me." He always wanted to replace his father. Always acted as much more important than he was. But he was not and he knew it.

That bothered him a lot. He wanted to scream out loud. Just so people would take him more seriously. He was always hidden in his dad's shadow.

But not this time.

"Roberto, just call your father and tell him that i'm here. This is business between me and him. It doesn't concern you."

And Roberto had it enough. Who did this old man think he was, talking to him like that?

After all he was Roberto Amato. He was gonna be the next boss after his father. He was going to rule with this business.

He stood up and slammed his palms on the wooden desk.

"Careful how you talk to me, Armand!" He shouted at the older man. "Now tell me what's your problem."

"Okay." Armand finally gave in. "I'm breaking off the deal." He spit it out. "I don't want to involve my company with your business."

Roberto carefully listened to Armand. He sarcastically chuckled.

"It's not gonna be that easy, old man." He dragged a smoke form his cigarette. "You think you can easily break a deal with us?"

"Don't make this difficult, Roberto."

"I said what i said. We are not breaking the deal and that's final." His word was going to be last. He didn't care what his father was going to think.

After all he was going to be in his father's place soon.

"Just call you father." Armand was not going to argue with a child. That's what Roberto was. Still a child. Even with his twenty six years old age, acted like a toddler throwing a tantrum.

Roberto reached for the back of his belt and pulled a gun. He aimed it at Armand.

He was not having it anymore. Everyone should learn to respect him. Even the old man in-front of him.

"I said, the deal is not over." He barked again.

"Roberto put the gun down, this is not a game."

"Shut up!" he yelled. "Just shut the fuck up!"

Armand tried to calm him down, but he failed. The young man was to stubborn.

Just as Armand started standing up Roberto fired the gun.

The bullet went dangerously close past, now furious old man.

Armand reached for Roberto's hand. Grabbing his wrist he snatched the gun from him. Aiming at the young man.

Before he could think he fired and shot. The sound ringed through the room.

Blood everywhere. On the dest, on the floor, on the wall behind the table, everywhere.

The bullet went directly through Roberto's forehead.

His empty eyes staring into nothing.

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