~We get to explore Elsword~

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We took a short walk from our side of the town into Elsword, just talking about old times and what'd been going on since we were separated.

Derrick had left our academy along with Ethan and Mia, four years ago. The five of us were the best of best friends. We did almost everything together.

I still hope to see Ethan and Mia someday.

So as we walked we encountered a few other monsters along the way but this time decided to flee as quickly as possible, and we all knew why.

We finally reached the gates of the city. The loudest noises boomed and echoed from one side of the city to the other, Elsword was a pretty loud place.

People selling different things, clothes, magic spells and potions, weapons, travelling equipment, food and tons of other things all around every corner.

"Ahh, the great smell of Elsword, when last did we come here Penny?" I asked in astonishment.

"We came here this morning doofus, to get some food remember?" She replied in a lively tone.

"Oh yeah" I remembered.

"Let's go get some clothes we smell horrible" I said.

They both agreed and we went on to look for someone who'd sell some decent clothes to us for a cheap price.

We managed to pick out some clothes, get some food and new weapons. My sword had began to rust for a few weeks now so I decided to change it. I got some new shuriken and kunai, I thought they'd come in handy sometime later.

Penny decided to get some potions and magic stuff.

It was getting dark, so we decided to head on home, and get some rest.

"Derrick, think you can come with us, just for a day, please" Penny begged.

I'd begun to think Penny was all of a sudden getting attatched to Derrick so soon after seeing him for the first time in four years, I decided to drop the thought and get back to reality, but actually I'd slightly begun to feel like a third wheel.

"Of course, I'd love to Penny" Derrick said cheerfully. I gave him a fist bump and a bro hug.

And so then, we finally headed back to the cottage.

Our cottage wasn't that big a house, it had that comforting look anyways but quite small. It had this akward hole on the ceiling in Penny's room, that we covered with these wooden and iron planks in case of rain.

We got a lot of rest from the action filled day, we were all tired and practically spoke for a minute before we all fell fast asleep.


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