DC Cinematic Universe

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My DC Cinematic Universe
Fan Casting

Here is my fan casting for the DC Cinematic Universe. I loved who they had cast for what we got in the last movies, but if I had to choose these are who I'd go with.

Alfred Pennyworth: Richard E. Grant. I saw a fan art of him, and I can't unsee how perfect a choice it would be to cast him as the Dark Knight's foster father figure and most loyal companion. He is a fantastic actor, I loved him in Loki and in Star Wars the Rise of Skywalker, while I may not have loved TROS as much as I'd like, he was still amazing and he's my choice for Alfred.

 He is a fantastic actor, I loved him in Loki and in Star Wars the Rise of Skywalker, while I may not have loved TROS as much as I'd like, he was still amazing and he's my choice for Alfred

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My DC Cinematic Universe FancastingWhere stories live. Discover now