Chapter 01

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In the beginning...

...Before the six singularities and the dawn of creation, came the Celestials, Arishem, the Prime Celestial, created the first sun and brought light into the universe. Life began, and thrived. All was in balance.

Until an unnatural species of predator emerged from deep space to feed on intelligent life— they were known as Deviants. The universe was plunged into chaos.

To restore the natural order, Arishem sent Eternals— immortal heroes from the planet Olympia— to eliminate the Deviants.

Eternals had unyielding faith in Arishem until one mission, led by Prime Eternal, Ajak, changed everything...

"It is time." A woman's voice announced, my eyes opening as if I was programmed to do so. Standing to my feet I faced the large statue of Arishem, light grey dress brushing against my legs. With a calm breath I allowed my body to move naturally, taking me to the wall where I placed my back against it, looking around to see ten other people doing the same thing. The cool stone material rested against my back, me staring straight ahead with focus.

Gold threads spread from the wall and onto me, suiting me up for battle. A dark blue material took the place of the grey dress, molding to my body like it was made just for me. Silver designs were added to the suit, giving it texture and uniqueness from the others. Once everyone was dressed for battle we all stepped away from the wall robotically before coming into our own bodies properly and moving around on our own free will.

I joined two other women, one wearing a red suit that fit her neatly while the other wore a white suit that flowed around her gracefully. The woman in the red suit started waving her hands about, me understanding without a second thought that she was communicating through sign language.

"Makkari" She signed, looking between us both with her silent introduction.

"Thena" The other woman spoke back, signing the words as well to make sure she was clear in her communication to the deaf Eternal. "And you are?" She turned to me with calm interest, an airy feel about her.

"Isla" I nodded to them both, feeling less like a robot now and more like a person.

"And what will you be contributing to the mission?" Thena wondered, her words sounding harsh though I knew she had no intention of it.

"You will all see soon enough, we will be arriving on earth shortly" Ajak, the Prime Eternal, cut in to announce our fast arrival. With nods from the three female fighters we had all turned to leave, getting ready to land. Once the other women started off I glanced over my shoulder, the feeling of someone watching me being very strong. The only Eternal I noticed was a man in a black suit, head turned away from me.

Unknown to me, Druig had a content grin on his face, unsure of how he was feeling towards the other Eternals, but knowing he certainly liked one.

The fighters of the team included, Thena, Makkari, Gilgamesh, Kingo, Ikaris and I. We all made our way towards the door of the ship, Phastos, a thinker, waiting for us to explain his design of floating disks to help us land on the planet without having to land the large Domo. I calmly placed my feet on the golden plate, standing still as it began to move, bringing each of us to the earth below.

5000 BC

A boy crouched on the rocks, carving a fish while his father, closer to the water speared the fish to catch them for dinner. The people of Mesopotamia were living a happy and simple life, unaware of what predators were lurking on the human race.

"It's coming! Run!" A villager called from the hill in Sumerian, catching the boys attention to make him stand with alertness.

"Father!" The boy called out to get the older man's attention.

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