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Chosen pov
"What the fuck are y'all doing" me and Juni just froze in our spots not known what to say "so y'all can't speak english now"

After he said that I finally gained the words to say "uhh we weren't doing anything" Ari looked at me like I was stupid before he just shook his head and said "you know what I'm not even mad just go get dressed so we can go

Out to eat with my parents we'll talk about this later" we both nodded then stood up from the couch making our way up the steps

*Time jump*
"Yes thank you so much that's all for right now" we are all now at dinner with the whole family and my legs keep shaking because Juni keeps rubbing my leg underneath the table and im kinda annoyed

Nova keeps flirting with Ace after I clearly made my point about him being mines "ok now that everyone is settled with their food Chosen what happen to you earlier Ari said you weren't feeling well are you feeling better"

I nodded "I just have bad social anxiety I apologize for not tell you guys" he nodded and made a sympathetic look "I apologize I should have asked first instead of forcing y'all out the house"

I nodded "it's fine I swear no harm done I'm fine" he nodded after the constant reassurance "ok but how have y'all been how's the relationship y'all really don't talk much and that's strange for Ari"

We all just looked at each other and shrugged "uhh nothing we just be chilling we don't really fight we get along pretty good and we have the same taste in some stuff so yeah" Ari said

Nova then looked at all of us and said "if y'all don't fight why we're you and my future baby day arguing in the front lawn after the event we went to" Mrs.Simpson popped her arm but she was admit on finding out about the disagreement

"Because you see me personally I would never argue with you Ace" my leg started to shake harder until I snapped

"Before I say what I'm about to say I apologize in advance Mr&Mrs Simpson"

I then cleared my throat and said "first off bitch he will never want you ,you talk to much shit,you stay in everybody's business,and your to skinny for him but we not gonna get into that

All the shit you've been saying since you met me had been fighting words so for the rest of my body bitch I'd tread lightly because you on thin ice I would hate to beat yo ass because it won't be my first aggressive assault caee and fucking with you I damn sure won't be my last"

Everybody at the table got quiet while I just put another piece of broccoli in my mouth "so y'all are really gonna let her talk to me like that" everyone still sat in silence until Mr.Silo said "you had it coming honey you can just keep getting at someone's boyfriend and expect them not to say anything"

Nova took one more look around the table before storming out of the restaurant with Safiya right behind her "well I guess we should get some to go boxes"

I just put my hand on my head and put my head down because what the fuck

*time jump*
We just got home and everyone was in awkward silence because of what I said to Nova and their dads follow up but I mean shit we ain't wrong so I just kept to myself knowing I was in the right

So I walked in the kitchen where all my parents were and came up behind ace and hugged his waist putting hands underneath his shirt I live doing this I love all of their body's

"What's wrong baby" I huffed into his back and asked "are y'all mad at me" Ace moved me back slightly so he could turn around without hurting me and said

"We ain't mad we are actually proud of you for keeping your composure for this long it's just you need to pick your words better your grown if you hit someone your going to jail baby"

I nodded my head as he rubbed my back then my other two partners came over and engulfed me with love before we heard someone clear their voice

To turn around and see Mrs.Cleo Ari mom "yeah mom wassup" she walked over to us and said "I would like to have a talk with Chosen alone please" I raised my eyebrows and scrunched up my face

Not because I didn't wanna talk to her it's because of the event that just took place I feel like this talk is gonna be dumb "why alone why can't you tell all of us" she just made a face at Ari and said

"Me and Chosen haven't had a chance to have a one on one I feel like this is a good time Chosen honey come with me to my office please"

I was about to walk towards her but Ace grabbed my hand "I'll be fine I promise" he looked at me for a few more seconds then let my hand go then I started to follow Mrs.Cleo

"So how have you liked your stay here are you enjoying yourself" I nodded "you have a beautiful house and you and Mr.Silo have been great host"

She chuckled "honey I wish I could say the same about you" my eyebrow raised "excuse me" we finally got in her office and she closed the door behind us "well you see my daughter doesn't particularly like you and neither does her best friend"

Clearly "and they have been asking me to send you home since you've gotten here and you haven't made it any better they say you are very rude and stingy"

I looked at her stupid "sorry to interrupt you but the only reason I have been disrespectful is because your two daughters have been provoking me they have called me fat and ugly on multiple occasions which I have let slide because lord know I would never

And Nova keeps trying to get at my boyfriend who doesn't want anything to do with her you see I'm not know hating ass bitch Nova is beautiful and she can have whoever she wants just not my man stamp I stand on that"

Mrs.Cleo chuckle "yes my daughters are quite the characters but let's be honest do you really need 3 partners you have my son and his boyfriend why do you need 3 sharing is caring"

"Damn that's to bad I hate sharing and Avion was mines first me I him met first and we started dating first really in all honesty I was forced into a relationship with your son but I'm fine with it now because I love them they are the best thing that has ever happened to me

But I'm not giving up one of my fucking partners for some selfish little brat and you should be ashamed of yourself to Avion is also your son's partner I know you probably don't want your son being gay but that's low trying to make him trade partners

But I think we are done here hopefully next time we talk you have come to some type of sense because me and MY partners will be leaving tonight"

I then looked at her for a few more seconds then walked out into the kitchen "we are going home" I said before my tears started to come down

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