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Chosen's pov
"Alright class that's the end of today's lesson remember y'all have an essay due around 11:59 y'all have a good day now" I quickly grabbed my computer after our professor finished talking then I walked out to hear footsteps behind me

I then quickly turned around to see Heaven and her girl group I rolled my eyes because I promised the boys I would be good today and not cuss anybody out or fight

So I'm just gonna continue my promise hopefully "Chuchi come here Chuchi" Heaven taunted as I continue to walk away and she kept commenting on how my nickname sounded like it belonged to a dog

But once again I kept walking until I hit the mess hall and seen Ace and Juni sitting together with Kaiser and Airon the guys who is supposed to be Heaven and Heavens best friend Brooklyn's domination

Now you see Ace, Airon, and Kaiser have always been really cool since freshman year so it's not a shock to see them together but annoying for me since I have to see the mean girls everyday of my life

"Hey baby girl why you looking like that" we are supposed to be having a good day "oh nothing it was just a long day in class nothing major" he nodded his head until Heaven and Brooklyn

Came not to far behind me with smiles plastered on their faces Ace then nodded his head pulling me in between him and Juni "you ight bro is it Chuchi ok" Kaiser said seeing as though Ace grabbing me wasn't a subtle movement he kinda snatched me away from them

"Nah bro I've been meaning to tell you I talk to Chosen about the situation you told me about and your girl is a bully she keeps approaching Chuchi when she's by herself and seeing as though

They didn't come to far behind her and Chosen look uncomfortable they were probably saying shit to her on the way here now I don't mean to be unreasonable but if you don't do something about it I will

That shit is uncalled for for real" after Ace finished talking Kaiser turned around to Heaven and looked her up and down "so you a bully now" she looked white as a ghost when he asked her that question

"Daddy Chosen is a very mean person" he walked closer to her hovering over her "that not I asked I said so your a bully now" she started t play with her hands and said

"Look I don't know why I would get in trouble for being mean to her Chosen is mean to everybody her dominants included so should be able to walk away"

"Chosen isn't mean she just has poor taste in words and is brutally honest I have known her for about three years now and she has never just been straight up malicious

Now you on the other hand being mean to someone for how they act towards other people is crazy unless you can tell me another reason for your actions"

She just stood there and looked at all of us for a second but didn't say anything "ight that's what I thought now Chosen when did all this start"

I looked up at Ace and Juni making sure it was ok for me to speak and they nodded "it all started being of sophomore year when they picked RA'S aka Heaven and Tania

Tania was the chill laid back RA that didn't bother us really and only really talked to us when the dean wanted something announced or someone lost they key

Heaven on the other hand was terrible she was rude,mean to the freshmen's on our floor,and for some reason she did random room checks at 5:30am ever couples days even though

Room checks are a monthly and random thing  I didn't like her very much for doing all the things she did so one day I was tired of her coming in my room randomly while I was sleep so I took it upon myself with permission of the dean to change my doorknob

And the only thing he wanted in return was to let Tania check my room randomly every now and again so nobody would be breaking the rules and I said deal

So I guess the dean called Heaven down to his office and she got in trouble and suspended from being an RA for the week so when I left to got to class that day she stopped me and tried confronting me but just like her everyone here knows my personality

So I told her I didn't like her and I wouldn't be following her rules because she is not a dominant and she's power hungry so from then on we had problems especially when I would say stuff to her for messing with the freshmen

She acted like a dominant and I wasn't going for it especially when it came to me" Kaiser looked over at Heaven who was now red in the face and he said "is everything she saying true"

"Yes but daddy it was 42 girl on the floor I had to inflict authority so the girls wouldn't run over me they needed to respect me" he shook his head "Heaven you can have authority and respect without

Being mean or inflicting fear into people what you have been doing is uncalled for and wrong now apologies to Chosen then we are gonna go back to my dorm to discuss your punishment"

She looked at me for a few seconds and said "no I can't" Kaiser raised an eyebrow "come again" "I'm not apologizing because what would that make me look like and I'm not sorry for anything I did I would just be lying. To y'all"

"Mhm I see we'll yall I'm so sorry about all the things Heaven has put yall through especially chosen but I'm about to catch y'all later I have some business to handle"

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