i. ghost in the bleachers

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' ghost in the bleachers '

ONE' ghost in the bleachers '

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HEESEUNG stared at the clock. Seven minutes left of class. The teacher, Mr. Choi, was still turned to the whiteboard, writing away without any cognizant knowledge of the time creeping up on him.

Students had started packing up at least five minutes ago. Around the room, bags were stealthily being hung over shoulders, people raised themselves off of their seats ever so slightly, and everyone's eyes were glued to the second's-hand on the clock right above Mr. Choi's oblivious head. Six minutes and forty seconds, thirty-nine, thirty-eight—

"Oh! I forgot to mention—" As Mr. Choi piped up, bags hit the floor and seats were quickly filled up again. "We're going to be having an assignment on this. I'll talk about it more tomorrow, but just so everyone is ready, it will be in pairs."

The same students who were seconds away from bursting out of the door were now jumping in their seats, cheering with their friends as they began picking their partners for the project. Heeseung watched from the back as his only friend in the class paired himself up with another student— thanks a lot, Beomgyu.

Heeseung's attention then went to Kim Dahee, who sat in the first row beside her best friend, Oh Kayoung. It was hopeless of him to even consider the idea that she wouldn't have a partner yet, but she was always on his mind, so his next instinctual look for someone to pair up with after Choi Beomgyu was Dahee. Of course, her hands were interlaced with Kayoung's as they squealed, celebrating the assignment they'd get to complete together.

"Hold on, everyone," Mr. Choi shouted over the exclamations. The cheers simmered down and a sly leer began to form on their teacher's face. The students, once crying with glee, were now dormant in terror of the next words they'd hear. Mr. Choi lowered the hand he'd raised when getting their attention, picking up a crisp white paper instead. "I've already assigned each of you a partner."

Every student's worst fear. The room was silent for a moment, and Heeseung held a pitiless snicker under his breath as he waited for the first gun to fire. From the back of the room, a hand slammed against the wood of a table and five seconds later, and a war of screams from 30 rage-filled 20-something-year-olds erupted through the room.

Heeseung kept quiet, not caring enough to participate in the freak out. He looked up at the clock as a boy beside him dramatically collapsed on the floor. Four minutes and twenty five seconds.

"Alright, sit down."

Once everyone had settled down and found their seat once again (minus the one guy who was still sprawled out on the ground beside Heeseung), Mr. Choi shook the paper to straighten it out and began to inform each student of their pair.

"When I call out your names, make sure you reply so I know that you're both aware. If there are any problems with your partner, tell me now or forever hold your peace. Alright? First off, Shin Ryujin and Kim Jungsu."

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