Keyshawn's POV

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Keyshawn's POV

I have been in here for a whole week now and I've lost all hope. I feel like I'm never getting out of here. "God please forgive me for letting this go on so long, I should've left Derrick a long time ago but I wasn't strong enough then like I am now." I heard footsteps walking towards my cell block I couldn't believe who was standing in front of me.....

"Girl whatchu doing in here? Don't I know you from sumwhere? " the voice said.

"Uhhh" still stunned I couldn't say anything. What was this person doing down here and why was they talking to me of all people..... I didn't know what to think but I do need help so maybe it's time to talk to someone who can.

 I didn't know what to think but I do need help so maybe it's time to talk to someone who can

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Mercedes POV

It was the next morning after Dianna's performance at the Pynk. After her dance I just left and I felt so bad.... I don't know how to explain these feelings I'm having. I know it's dead wrong but I had to make a phone call...

"Hey Farrah, it's Merce..." before I could finish she cut me off.

"Mercedes.... Wowww, I never thought I'd hear your voice again, and so soon"? She said. "What can I help you with" she asked.

"Well Farrah I.... I... wanted to ask you sum. It's about me. Lately I been feeling theses feelings I never thought I'd feel again. I only felt these feelings when I was with you...."

"So now you're asking me what attraction feels like... Mercedes when you know you know. Might I suggest don't just overlook these feelings like I did with you when we first met... just go for it you'll be surprised of the outcome, just look at us for example. I never thought you felt the same way I did that day but when we intertwined it was something like an eclipse," she caught her self before saying anything more. "Mercedes follow your heart, you'll be surprised where it leads you" and she hung up.

She sounded so sad saying those last few words. Farrah was my first ever experience with another woman but I never knew she wouldn't be my last. Quickly I was brought back to reality....

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